Psycho Logic said:
^^hey, quick question..
if you work out on the machines and you use a lot of weight, but do like 2 sets of 5 or 6 reps, will that make you a lot more swoll and bulky than if you used a little weight but did like 2-3 sets of 15-20?
With exception of Machines, because I don't prefer Machines, I train with free-weights 90% of the time. Honestly there's not that much difference. At a heavy weight with 2 Sets of 5-6 reps, that sounds like Powerlifting. Powerlifter's normally train with lower reps, heavy weights and longer rests between sets, like 1-3 minutes. They give everything they have for each set, so when they rest they really REST. A bodybuilder or someone looking to build a physique, stick mainly have a higher rep range depending on exercise, about 8-12 reps, and not as heavy weight as a powerlifter but it really depends on the person, heavy weight doesn't build muscle, it helps, but without proper form, nutrition and rest, you won't grow. A lighter weight (I won't say little.) but a lighter weight at 2-3 sets of 15-20 sounds like HIT training, with exception of the sets, 1-2 sets at 15-20 reps would be HIT training for sure. High Intensity Training, basically it's a shorter exercise (in time it takes to finish) but the entire exercise is compact with high reps and shorter rests to force the person to work in their highest intensity possible. It is basically used as a supplement from the mandatory training, to strike new muscle growth, break through plateaus, etc. The only thing that really will make you swoll and bulky is a good clean diet full of protein and carbohydrates, virgorous weight training with no cardio, and lots of rest. Also if you want to get big, don't use machines.