You know why they have it bad? The American government along with the Jews STEALS the money that they have so that they can't come to power again. They're fuckin scared, as they should be. Russia's a large country. That's why there are over 100,000 Nazis in Russia today compared with 10,000 a few years ago. That's why the Nazis thrived in Germany. The Americans are creating a situation where they have to conform to "democracy," which this country does not even go by, and capitalism. Just how they did in Kuwait. Just how they're doing in Afghanistan and Iraq. This country is NOT a democracy, and the "democratic" leaders they implant in other countries are not by popular vote. Just ask the Guatemalans who elected a Mayan for president...he was murdered by the American Government. You can also ask the School of the Americas about the Mayan village of 5,000 they murdered, because they were "evil Communists." This country is Fascist, and it will always be.
What's happened to Russians and Germans still can't compare to what they have done to us and continue to do today. Answer a question for me?
Was it okay for whites to steal our (all oppressed people, not just natives) land, murder our people with 'advanced weapons' & biological weapons including the release of smallpox, slaughter our children and women, rape our people, enslave us, force upon us their history, language, religion, and way of life, partition the land amongst themselves, take the rest of the land for the government, establish their businesses, oppress us openly for over 450 years, then continue the oppression covertly until the present time, and then say all men are created equal (when blacks were in the Constitution as 3/5ths of man)?
Somebody was surprised when I said Europeans...American whites are Europeans. You are English or Germanic, if that's what you'd prefer. No matter how long you're here, you're still a European.