in case you didnt know, football is a team sport. Mike Vick did not and can not win games by himself. all i said wuz he is not the best, and that wuz my opinion. then a couple homos went off on me while riding Vick's nuts talking bout how im wrong and i dont know shit. i know more than you think, and none of you have proved me wrong. all i got to say is get off my nuts and vacate Mike Vick's nuts as well, and everything will be fine. BornGay brought stats into the picture to prove Vick is a better QB than McNabb, well stats dont lie rght? then they prove Vick is not the best.
Dosia, you know why they dont calculate rushing stats into QB ratings? BCUZ QB'S ARE NOT RUNNING BACKS. rushing is the RB's job not the QB. every QB in the league has taken off for sum yards, but Vick does it 100+ times a year.... that's 100+ passes he should have gotten off (or at least tried to get off).
a lot of you fools are on Vick's bandwagon bcuz of all the hype he's gotten.... ignore the real, fuck it. that's up to you fools. but the statements ive made about Vick are 100% accurate and stats back me up, so please make sure you know wut you're talking about before you try to clown me. talking bout "you dont know shit." please. get a clue.