E to da P, you're a raider fan, why in the fuck are you trying to talk down on ANYONE's team? get the fuck outta here.
and BornSin, you really need to read the sig and think about it's meaning pendejo. Vick is a wannabe running back, but he's too fragile for that position. the only reason he lights up defenses on the run is bcuz they have to guard against the pass. he rarely passes the ball when he should. ive watched his ass play and even John Madden pointed out he needs to learn to throw. now is Madden a football know-nothing? bitch please if you say yes you're a fuckin retard. it doesnt matter how shitty your bitch ass receiving core is.... how in the fuck would you know if you never throw the fuckin ball to them? that fool has had so many under 200 yard passing gamez, and its all thanks to him running the ball. a QB does not run the fuckin ball every damn play, that's the running back's job. i said before that Vick WILL BE a great QB, WHEN HE LEARNS TO PASS THE FUCKIN BALL WHEN HE SHOULD. right now there are many QBs that are better than his ass, i only named 2 and you're already suckin Vick's dick and trying to defend him like the hoe you are. based on your faggot ass theory Rich Gannon, Drew Bledsoe, Peyton Manning, Kerry Collins, Daunte Culpepper, Trent Green, Tom Brady, Brett Favre, Aaron Brooks, Steve McNair, Jeff Garcia, Drew Breese, Brian Griese, John Kitna, Chad Pennington, Matt Hasselbeck, Brad Johnson, and Jake Plummer are all better QBs than Vick is. aside from that, Vick had an 81.6 rating last year, McNabb had an 86.0 and Peyton Manning had an 88.8. Vick only threw 16 TDs, Peyton Manning threw 27.... you wanted stats, there you go. Vick is fun to watch, but he is NOT the best QB, not yet at least. he is better than a lot of the guys i named above, but statistically those guys are better than he is. there goes your theory, right? do you need more stats? i can dish em if you need em. it's your OPINION that Vick is the best QB, i dont share it. deal with it and stop bitching.