BaSICCally said:
So is every university and what evidence to you have to back this claim? Where can you get a free education besides your local library? Same goes for pro sports. Esentially yeah it's a sport but at the same time it's a buisness.
Yes, all schools in amerika are a business. That is the problem with the education system in amerika. What percent of people graduate college?
Lack of money
European colleges are at a much higher "caliber" then Harvard and European people in general are greatly further educated then amerikans. Where else can you take a class with Stephen Hawkings as your teacher?
Where are these flaws? who are these people?
I'm not about to waste my time searching for people who have found flaws in this "school of divinity", a school which is a business and cares more about money then education.
I have such respect for Harvard because it has such a superior standard of education. One of the highest in the world. Can you deny that?
I can agree that Harvard has a high standard in LAW, which teaches their students to openly lie, cheat, do whatever it takes to win and most of all, it teaches greed.
I'm sure there are countless amounts of great people who have graduated harvard, but there are also countless amounts of geniuses who did not attend any college.
You must remember when one goes to college it is for a reason. That reason is derived from what they want to do with their lives. If someone wants to be a lawyer, their first choice of school would be Harvard. If they don’t have the money, they can’t get in and have to settle for a lesser school. But people like george bush can go to any school they chose. Is this fair? Does this not resemble a business?
I don’t have the same respect you have for harvard because I know that half of the people there are not worthy of attending that school, and the other half are doing the same thing everyone else in the world who goes to college is doing, which is learning about a specific trade which does not automatically make one intelligent.
Under your logic, someone who graduated harvard who studied law, is automatically put above anyone else based on the fact that they went to harvard!
asically if your "caliber" is so supperior to religion and the rest of the world. Then prove it.
How can one prove it? You can’t. Just like you cannot prove god exists, I cannot prove my "caliber" is superior to any religion.
The reason I asked if he went to Harvard is because some ofthe most highly educated people in the world attend or attended Harvard. And if Xaninex "caliber" is so high then he must of tested his opinions against some of the most educated in the world. Isn't this how you reach this "caliber"?
So what if some of the most highly educated people in the world attended Harvard? MOST of the HIGHLY EDUCATED people in the world did NOT attend Harvard.
If you say your car is the fastest in the world you race against the fastest in the world. You don't claim you have a fastest car in the world and not TEST it.
I supose, kind of...You dont have to race to know its the fastest....But I dont recall anyone saying that their beliefs are the best or the only right one.
I don’t really care to be honest, the only reason I joined this discussion is because I don’t see why you have this mammoth amount of admiration for Harvard, which again is known for Law.