@vy - funny youre starting to sound like heresy to me. it is always a joy to see men emotionalize logic.
What is really funny is the fact that nowhere in anything I have said is there any instance of "emotionalizing" going on. If you are perceiving my words in that way, then it must be you who is doing the emotionalizing. If you heard me speak these words to you, you would hear a monotone voice concerned not with emotions but with logic and rationale.
I have no desire to rationalize god.
Then why did you earlier say "Man's DESPERATE need to rationalize the unknown" in response to either the question "Where did God come from?" or the answers given?
If you have no desire to rationalize God or people's belief in Him, then you would not have attempted to relegate them to "deperately needing to rationalize the unknown". That you lump all "believers" into a category of desperately needing to rationalize the unknown, shows that *you* are also guilty of this "desperate need to rationalize". The only difference is, you are taking the road of rationalizing people's beliefs, rather than attempting to rationalize the actual unknown.
i see non-existance and existance as absolute existance.
So if you see that there is an absolute existence, then what is the difficulty in seeing God? God Himself *is* that Absolute Existence.
I choose to be without reason for god because i see myself as god manifest in a different form.
You see yourself as God manifest in a different form? What is His original form then? Did you (as God) make a conscious decision to take on the body you now inhabit? If you are God manifest in a different form, then can you change your form at will? What is the purpose of you (as God) manifesting in your present form?
If you really are God manifest in a different form, you should be able to answer these questions easily.
and you as god looking for yourself in me.
Wait. You see me as God looking for God in you?? And earlier you said you were God manifest in a different form??
So I (as God), am looking for myself within you (as God manifest in a different form)?? Is this what you actually believe?? If we are God how come we do not have perfect and infinite knowledge?? Why are we (as God) stuck within these puny material forms?? How is it possible that God's knowledge has been covered over??
therefore i dont see youre effort to contest my words as irreverant just as a path in which to find the true nature of my expression
I am already well aware of the nature of your expression, and whether you regard my "efforts" as irrelevant or relevant is inconsequential unless and until you can provide some foundation or basis for any of what you are speaking. It is only so much soliloquy until you start expressing *TRUTH*.
those who seek god are without self knowledge.
Those who do not know God are without any knowledge.
ultimately science from a theosophical perspective how we as gods define our existence.
This is a half sentence which makes no sense. First of all we are not Gods, nor do we "define our existence". Existence is already defined. Truth is not malleable and changeable according to our desires and definitions.
We may have the same
qualities as God (eternality, knowledge, fame, beauty, power, etc.), but we do not possess these qualities in the same
quantity as God. If you chemically analyze a drop of ocean water, it has the same molecular composition as that of the whole ocean. But that single drop does NOT have the same AMOUNT of molecules as the whole ocean. Qualitatively the drop and the ocean are one. Quantitatively they are distinct. Similarly, our individual spirit souls have the same quality as that of the Supersoul, but we do not possess the same quantity of them as does the Supersoul.
once we define ourselves then we will die.
No. You will die regardless of any "definition" you place upon yourself, or regardless of whether you place any "definition" upon yourself at all. Death is not contingent upon your actions or beliefs or thoughts or knowledge. It is coming with Absolute certainty.
[color=sky blue]"I am all-devouring death, and I am the generator of all things yet to be."[/color]
technical knowledge or "technology" is the method by which one (defines)destroys himself.
No. The Self is never destroyed. It is eternal, unborn and undying. All that is destroyed is the material body.
And "technology" has nothing to do with it. The body is destroyed due to the forces of material nature. Men in caves and aboriginees living in trees also are destroyed and this is not due to "technology", rather it is due to the eternal spirit soul occupying a place in a changing and temporal realm. The bodies of cats, dogs, horses, and insects are all destroyed and they are destroyed with absolutely no connection to "definitions" or "technology". They die due to material nature.
for it is in our nature to build and in our nature to destroy. such is the order of god and the cycle of life.
Exactly. God, the Supreme Being, is eternally creating, maintaining, and destroying the material world. On a macro level it can be seen that God does this with the infinite number of universes. On a micro level it can be seen that each of our bodies was created, is maintained for a while, and then it is destroyed. So this pattern of Building, Maintaining, and Destroying, is present within us because it is present within the Supreme Person who is Supremely Building, Maintaining, and Destroying.
We build and destroy a certain number of little buildings and sand castles here on Earth, whereas God is building and destroying an infinite amount of universes.
life wishes to improve live die and repeat.
I don't know anyone who wishes to die. Self-preservation is an innate and instinctual trait of every living being.
No, life does not wish to die. We wish to live and improve, but we do not wish to die and repeat. You are correct though, because unless one crosses the ocean of material existence, then they *WILL* die and come back to repeat the cycle. The living being is eternal, therefore it is always engaged in activities. Cessation of action is impossible for the soul, therefore if the soul does not return home, back to the spiritual world, at the time of death it will remain within the material world and take another birth where it will once again be illusioned into thinking that it is "improving" it's situation until it's next death.
And the so-called "improvement" that man has made and which he thinks is comforting him is actually illusory. The illusion of luxury and "improved" life is very captivating, but genuine examination finds that nothing is very much improved at all, and this is because these "improvements" are merely concerned with attending to the material senses and are completely ignorant as to the soul.
We all still get sick, we all still get old, we all suffer pains, we all still die, and meanwhile what are the "improvements"? Advanced Surgery and Medication? Which appear to be very great, but what do they do? Prolong the inevitable, and draw out the suffering. And to whom is this prolonged experience valuable?? That's right, the drug companies and hospitals and governments.
"New and Improved" is a marketing gimmick as old as marketing itself, and is merely
everything which exists in the universe is a number.
What foundation do you have which supports this premise? You cannot even prove to me that the number "4" actually exists. Go outside, and don't come back inside until you have gone and actually picked up a "4" which you can bring back with you. And I don't mean pick up a certain number of objects, I mean go out and find me the number "4". Guess what? You can't do it.
Numbers are symbols, and as such your premise amounts to "Everything which exists in the universe is a symbol". Symbol means symbolic of something, or relating to something, so what is it that everything which exists in the universe is a symbol of?
God. He is all pervading, the complete whole and the independent force all in the form of the Supreme Person Sri Krsna.
numbers are quantifiable and qualifiable. if god is all and every facet of him can be ascertained by a number; god is defineable.
God is most certainly defineable, but He gives His OWN definition of Himself, which is perfect, complete, and ETERNAL. These descriptions are known as
sastra, scriptures written before human recorded time. The Srimad Bhagavatam for example gives an explanation of the Vedic system of time which was expressed in the increments of time it took for atoms to collect with one another. Now how is it possible for a literature which is over 5,000 years old, to describe atomic time and even the structure of the atom??
Any so-called "definition" of God derived by through some mathematical formula will *NOT* be the Absolute Truth, because as an axiom of the basis upon which it will be derived, it must be admitted that the conclusions will remain imperfect and theoretical. Those formulating and working on the "definition" will be using imperfect senses along with an imperfect mind to come up with the "definition" of God, who is perfection personified.