the people in radio know that if nortenos can get on the radio and get steady rotation, it will cause problems. that's why i can't stand how some people get play and others don't. i think they simply won't play shit that is really gangsta. if it has some gay ass beat, then they will play it, even if you are saying some g shit. when scraps get on the radio, they don't mention it. look at frost... it barely dawned on me that he is prolly a scrap. i don't listen to him really so i never payed attention to it and no one talks about him anymore, but he had some stuff and nationwide appeal. but he don't really mention any specific gangs that i have heard. the only thing that comes to mind is.."i'm from the barrio, east los aztlan" that's the only thing really that kind of represents an area, but i know there are a bunch of scraps there. every norteno rapper you see come out doesn't hide it at all. i have one lil rob cd, and i listened to it all the way and didn't catch anything that even associated him with bein a scrap. if you really in a gang, how you gonna not repp you shit, that is another way they come off soft as shit. to me, if i were a rapper, i wouldn't give a shit about the radio. my fanbase would be there and word of mouth would carry it from homeboy to homeboy. i wouldn't try and fool anybody into buying my cd by wondering if i repp a set or not. like wood says "i'm a let it be known..." where i am from and who the cd is for, and leave it at that. and let the homeboys relate to what i am saying, to the point where no scrap would wanna listen to my shit. i am sure there are scraps out there like " i know east co co and darkroom are nortenos, but it is really good." if i find out that some rapper is a scrap, and is actually vocal about it too, gets no play from me, ever/ that's just my 14 cents