Everyone wrestling now is on Hogans level. They have more than 4 moves.
So we should be giving the belt to people with half the experience of the other guys, and rotating that belt to a new "fresh face" every... what.... half a year? That worked really well with CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, etc.
You're right. Neither of them should be champ, and honestly I change the channel when either of them are on the screen.
I like MVP, but I've never seen him put in work on a match I would call incredible.
Name a big, main even lookin' motherfucker that hasn't gotten his shot at the belt. Everybody you've named is a middleweight. I want Kennedy as a champ but he can't keep himself on the show long enough to do anything.
plus its not the 80's no more its a new faster pace so its better to give fresh new talent the belt rather the same old wrestlers.
Shelton would make a better world champ then punk and dont say no based on his mic skills bc punk mic skills are horrible too.
Shit MVP would be a good champ bc he can speak and wrestle. But that wwe is just full of favoritsm bc theres been many great wrestlers who deserved a big push but never got it.
Name a big, main even lookin' motherfucker that hasn't gotten his shot at the belt. Everybody you've named is a middleweight. I want Kennedy as a champ but he can't keep himself on the show long enough to do anything.