what the fuck happen with the tag tittle match at wrestlemania 25?

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Nov 14, 2002
Everyone wrestling now is on Hogans level. They have more than 4 moves.

plus its not the 80's no more its a new faster pace so its better to give fresh new talent the belt rather the same old wrestlers.
So we should be giving the belt to people with half the experience of the other guys, and rotating that belt to a new "fresh face" every... what.... half a year? That worked really well with CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, etc.

Shelton would make a better world champ then punk and dont say no based on his mic skills bc punk mic skills are horrible too.
You're right. Neither of them should be champ, and honestly I change the channel when either of them are on the screen.

Shit MVP would be a good champ bc he can speak and wrestle. But that wwe is just full of favoritsm bc theres been many great wrestlers who deserved a big push but never got it.
I like MVP, but I've never seen him put in work on a match I would call incredible.

Name a big, main even lookin' motherfucker that hasn't gotten his shot at the belt. Everybody you've named is a middleweight. I want Kennedy as a champ but he can't keep himself on the show long enough to do anything.
Feb 8, 2003
Name a big, main even lookin' motherfucker that hasn't gotten his shot at the belt.

The Giant Gonzales, Barbarian, luvig borga, junyard dog, Hillbilly Jim, Warlord, snitsky.

Theres a few i dont feel like thinking of more. I also believe owen, rick rude, bristish bulldog, mr perfect all deserved one title run when they was in wwf.

But hey tahts why wrestleing sucks 88% of the time i lost alot of interest in teh new product i watch raw bc tehres nothing on and i barely watch smackdown and I never watch ecw last time i saw ecw was last summer.