what the fuck happen with the tag tittle match at wrestlemania 25?

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Oct 3, 2006
wtf was the point of mysterio trynna be a joker wtf....at first i thought he tried to look like doink or somethin until he started throwin cards out...idk imo this really was a lame ppv compared to other wm's....taker and hbk of course saved it somewhat from being a total failure


Sicc OG
Dec 4, 2004
A shame they didnt think WWE tag titles were important enough to be on the show. They could have scrapped the Diva rumble, shit was pointless....all so they could give Santina the title of Miss WM. They could have done a shorter comedy bit if they were gonna waste a diva match like that. Kid Rock performance was unecessary...

best matches were HBK vs UT, Money In The Bank, and Hardy vs Hardy

At the beginning I thought maybe CM Punk would cash in his MITB after Orton beat HHH....they have history since Orton cost CM Punk the title last year...but then I realized that would make too much sense and WWE writers tend to ignore history that happened more than a few months back. Only "weak" match was Rey vs JBL, everything else was aight. Better than WM 24 I would say. HBK vs Undertaker was a classic, and reminded me why I even still watch wrestling.


C'mon now...
Jan 3, 2005
I had a lot of fun. What was bad, was very noticible, what was good was great.
The tag match was clearly pushed back for time issues, (their highlight reel at the end was cut off right @8p and explains why hhh/orton ended so anticlimactic), I would have just bumped Kid Rock right off the card. The wierd thing about it, is that theyve had bigger cards on Mania that ended early, so I dont know what happened. Santinos thing was terrible. That whole thing could have been the dark match.
anyways... 3 3/4 stars


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I heard the tag team match was pushed back because they needed to make room for Kid Rock. That shit was gay as fuck - he pointed the mic out to the crowd so they could sing his lyrics and nobody said shit lmao.

Santino/Santina winning that Diva match was gay in so many ways, same with that fag winning the ladder match.

Kofi Kingston kicks ass.
Nov 14, 2002
rey looked like a gay ass bootleg joker from batman and shit.
You're observant.

im tired of seeing edge, cena, hhh, orton with teh belts tehy need to mold new champions.
Do you remember how long Hogan ran with the belt, let alone how long he was a contender for the belt if he didn't have it? If everyone was going for the titles then there wouldn't be a story line.

I think you wouldn't mind the same guys all the time if they brought back stables. I'm slightly excited to see HHH finally "admit" that he's related to the McMahons, and it's cool to see Batista involved in that, even though I could give a fuck about Batista. When groups of 5-6 guys come walking out like back in the day when Raw was new, you wouldn't mind seeing the same faces all the time.

I thought WM was badass... One match worth the 50 bucks and I'm good. HBK/Taker covered that. I would ALWAYS cut out the Diva shit before anything else, and as a matter of fact, I would prefer if the broads didn't wrestle at all. Just be cute outside the ring. I zone out any time the Divas are on the screen. I don't even know who half of them are because they all fuckin' look the same.

the Tag Team wasnt on because someone didnt get thru the welltest before the show AKA someone was on the juice so they cut it off
Yet they managed to pass the very next day to wrestle on Raw. Good work on the info man...
Jan 18, 2006
cm punk is da shit
hes coo' as an interconinental champion but it was a complete joke how quickly they gave him the world championship. Notice after he lost the belt he pretty much fell out the picture of the world title, now all of a sudden there trying to pump him back up just cuz Wrestling is so wack right now. Like i realize certain wrestlers are old but Undertaker or Shawn Michaels should be the champ cuz they steal the show regardless of what kind of match they are in but they must not want to go by the schedule the champ has to follow.
Feb 8, 2003
You're observant.

Do you remember how long Hogan ran with the belt, let alone how long he was a contender for the belt if he didn't have it? If everyone was going for the titles then there wouldn't be a story line.

Non of them are on hogans level far as star quality and non made a mark like hogan did remember hogan & piper was the ones who opened all the doors for wrestling in other venues. and plus its not the 80's no more its a new faster pace so its better to give fresh new talent the belt rather the same old wrestlers. Shelton would make a better world champ then punk and dont say no based on his mic skills bc punk mic skills are horrible too.all wrestlers like them just need a manger to be in they corner and speak for them. Shit MVP would be a good champ bc he can speak and wrestle. But that wwe is just full of favoritsm bc theres been many great wrestlers who deserved a big push but never got it. It just matter on who ass you kiss and suck up too they dont base it on skills alot on backstage alliances.