Damn finally fatal speaks some sense!! It amazez me how these haider fans talk bad about Gruden because he left!! Damn atleast be honest with your self!! Gruden is 10 times the coach Callahan is!! The reason the Bucs are tight is because of Gruden!! He is the best coach in the league today whether yall like it or not!! I know last year, I heard hella Haiders fans sayin Gruden was the best coach and now he leaves he sucks!! haha, yall some hypocrytes!!! Face reality Gruden made yall bitches!!! GOT EM!!!
first of all i got to say gruden is a good motivater that i give him but when it comes down to game decisons he is weak, if it wasn't for his bitch ass call on 4 and inchs with 2 minutes to go againt NEW England to punt the ball instead of going for it we whould have won the game. that play made me say fuck Gruden he take no chances, thats the problem with his bitch ass i glad hes gone
also that why the raiders got the # 1 offense in the league right,