mouth_my_nuts said:
I know im the only GAVIN up in this bitch!!!
edit: not GAYvin
My name is Beau [..pronounced Bo..] Gavin!! Moms told me my name is French!! It was tha name of her best friend throughout high schooL and when they graduated.. they promised eachutha to name eachutha's first born's afta tha utha!! I thank dat cat for havin dis name kuhz its unique!!
on a sidenote.. I met dat niggas daughter whom he named afta my moms and dat bitch was a muthafuckin freak!! met her tha first time.. exchanged numbers.. she blew my cell up.. met up three days later and poled tha shiT out tha bitch in a moteL 6 dat she paid for and i cut off contact wiT her afta daT!!