V: In *either* case, you are believing in a NEGATIVE
2-0: I made it very CLEAR...
An Atheist is NOT primarily a person who BELIEVES that a god does not exist, rather, he does NOT BELIEVE in the existence of god
I do NOT believe in a NEGATIVE. Your definitions that you provided are faulty.
You are talking nonsense.
If a person says "I believe in the existence of God", he is expressing a belief
in the existence of God.
If a person says "I do
not believe in the existence of God", he is expressing a belief in the
nonexistence of God.
You have a conception of God in your mind, and you DO NOT believe it exists. Therefore what you DO BELIEVE is that there is NO God. Your actual
belief is in a negative.
By responding to things I never said.
LOL. The burden of proof does not lay apon the Atheist, it lays apon the Theist. How and Why should I try to prove or disprove something which NO evidence supports its existance?
It is not about burden of proof or what you need to prove. You are skirting the issue because you cannot defend your position.
The *FACT* is that you cannot prove a negative.
SINCE you cannot PROVE a negative, your
belief in the nonexistence of God is based purely on FAITH.
You have used logic and reason to come to your conclusion, but your conclusion of the nonexistence of God *REMAINS UNPROVEN*. Therefore if you believe something which is unproven, you do so in FAITH.
Your false ego is so out of control you can't even admit that you believe in something which you cannot prove. Instead, you try to play with words and say "I just DO NOT believe in God". Well, if I do not believe that a person is alive, then I DO believe that person is dead. You do not believe in God, but you DO believe that he does not exist.
That's what I mean by being humble. You don't understand God and you don't know He exists because you are too puffed up and refuse to admit that your knowledge is imperfect.
How am I relying on Faith? Faith has absolutely NOTHING to do with a NON belief.
Bullshit! If a person says "I have X in my closet", and you DO NOT believe him, your NON belief is based on faith! If you KNEW he did not have X in his closet, then you would not have to BELIEVE something one way or another. Since you do not KNOW, and since you DO NOT believe him, your NON belief is not based on FACT, it is based on FAITH.
To embrace faith is to abandon reason.
More bullshit. When a person goes to the doctor and is diagnosed for a particular affliction, the doctor prescribes a particular medicine to remedy it.
When a person takes the medicine prescribed by the doctor, they are placing their faith in his knowledge of prescribing the correct medication. They are not abandoning reason by placing faith in the doctor, the opposite is actually true because reason says that a doctor is the proper person to trust in that situation.
To pretend that reason is infallible and that one does not have faith in his reason is dishonest.