That is like asking what the BEST color is. Or what the BEST mathematical equation is.
BEST is a subjective word used to describe that which an individual favors the most.
Friend 1: The Matrix is the BEST movie ever.
Friend 2: Battlefield Earth is the BEST movie ever.
Which movie is really the BEST?
Since BEST denotes the favorite thing of an individual, it is a relative conclusion based on limited experience and cannot be said to objectively describe anything.
Which religion is the BEST? Whichever one answers your most fundemental questions the most lucidly.
Questions such as: Who is God? Who am I? Where will I go when I die?
religion is organized thought usually based on a specific doctrine. Some people who adhere to a doctrine may have different religious beliefs than other's who adhere to the same doctrine. Religion is all relative to each person. People feel the need to "belong" so they "join" a religion. My advice to anyone is to remember not what you (think you) are, but what you are becoming (or realizing). To be wise we all have to seek truth for *ourselves*...
NONE. none is by far the best religion in the world. none is true salvation. none will make you happy. none will protect you from the fear of death, heaven, and hell.
join the religion of none. its free and you dont have to jump through hoops to join.
its god is the No-thing.
here's its shahada: i believe in no-thing, i have No religion. my religion is None
You have to research it for yourself.
Everyone will argue their case but only you can make the final decision. Look at every religion, study them. And then look for God, he will lead you in the right path....
well i don't really believe in religion, though i am not against it at all, and think whatever can better somebody's life is a beautiful thing
but i TRY and practice Taoism...if you're interested check out the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu...the Brian Walker translation is my favorite
the Tao of Pooh is a great book as well...
Islam is a hatefull satanic religion, Christianity has been reduced to being "nice", catholics,mormons,jehovas witness's are sick,and the rest are pagan idolatry worship especially that hinduism, and buddhism crap.
Islam is a hatefull satanic religion, Christianity has been reduced to being "nice", catholics,mormons,jehovas witness's are sick,and the rest are pagan idolatry worship especially that hinduism, and buddhism crap.
Hahahhaaa, do you actually BELIEVE the bullshit you just posted?
Obviously the only thing you left out is Atheism and Judaism, and judging by you warning people not to mock G-d in another post, I am guessing you are a Jew.
It's a shame suckas like you operate out of FEAR of God rather than out of LOVE of Him.