Instigate between who? You're a fucking idiot if you think that's instigating. It goes both ways; I don't give a fuck if this is a "HOMEBOY" forum; people acting hard about Coner going down to Anaheim and doing a show, and coming back unharmed, and walking the streets of LA and nothing happening to them, like that's such a huge accomplishment. But if a 'scrap' goes up north, he's a dead man. Did Coner hit the stage talking about ''nortay enay'' throwing up signs? You're the one talking about someone should have got thier asses kicked, so why didn't you do it, tough guy? So many people on here swear to be killers and thugs, ''banging'' on scraps, ready to kill one if they ever see them, posted up at your local Mormon temple...'the FUCK OUTTA HERE with that bullshit.
Like I goes both ways. If one person is your claim to fame for ''braving the streets of ANAHEIM''...what about that OTHER person with the bigger name who's more well known who performed in your backyard who wasn't touched?
Like. I. Said. If someone did smash on Lil' Rob, I'd probably add it to my youtube favorites...but acting like it's no-mans land in your area and letting shit like that slide...after all the bullshit boasting and bragging...that's pathetic.
Quote me.