oakraiders9 said:
So are you saying minorities are worse people than whites so that's why they kill more people and it should just be accepted like that? It's about the situations the people are put in, and since there are more white's with wealth and they get better public schools and usually further education, well minorities get put in different situations and react differently. Whites aren't any better than anyone, it's just that more of them get a good education and get more opportunities due to the system and how it's set up.
Dont give me that products of your envornment bull shit.
First, my fathers dad abandonded him and my grandmother when he was like 2, and my grandmother bagged grocerys for a living, yet my father made it though vietnam and college and made something of himself.
second, My mother died when i was 13 and father had to work all the time to pick up the void in her end of the money for bills, so i also had school and look after my little brother. Fact of the matter is i have had a job since i was 15 and decided i wanted to make somethign of myself. So dont give me that "poo minority cant escape falling into a life of cirme" bull shit.
So stop plaing the bullshit "poor black/mexican/asian kid" card, you put yor whole race down when u lump them in with lazy piles of shit who CHOOSE to sell crack and collect a wellfare check.