What do yall think of interracial couples

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Apr 4, 2003
Been Drinkin said:
i knew someone would say i was a racist, hahah iam far from it, its just my opinion, i only look at it like trouble, thats all i said and you motherfuckers say iam rracist, i guess the blind cant see with a veil of darkiness over their eyes. once again IAM NOT RACIST, damn.
Well this discussion you brought up just goes back to another thread on here in which we discussed who we would consider "sellouts" and a little bit on the thread about nationalities and how you were treated.

You may not have come out as a Racist, but your statement has the qualities of a racist statement. And I knew you were expecting it, but perhaps you should have considered your opinion more thoroughly and have done a better job explaining before you posted.

Perhaps it is not so much the trouble of race that surrounds interracial couples, but perhaps the cultural attachments that come with that particular race or person. I do agree that a lot of times a cross-cultural relationship can cause trouble, but what I do not agree with is the fact that it should not be done and be completely taboo. I honestly think culture should be treated as somewhat of a tradition or a ceremonial status rather than a lifestyle since I myself have seen the use of culture on a person's lifestyle as an abuse of authority, in a sense an authoroty of that particular congregation that a certain person or persons may belong to.

I myself am from a particular culture, but I am certainly not part of it, or any form of conventional culture for that matter. I draw my own line, cut my own path, and set guidelines for myself in how I live that is relevant to no one but myself and anyone else that seems to understand how and why I set these ways for myself. My father in a way has trouble accepting this but I tell him to STFU, not to be disrespectful, but it is at that point where conventional means of explination don't get across to him.

If it weren't for interracial courting and marriage, I as well as many others here would not exist because not everyone's bloodline is full blooded to that race alone. And that the troubles of a culture barrier as well as a lifestyle barrier is what people who have attachments to a culture would have to overcome if someone's background were to get in the way of a relationship.

Culture in it's own fault has set stereotypes for a lot of today's mishaps, but I shall say this now that I definetely do not fit any normal form of stereotype.
Jul 6, 2002
question: if a irish person hooks up with a yugoslavian, wouldnt that be "interracial"? Or how about a Turkish and and Austrian? An east Indian and a Suadi? A Libyian and a Tanzanian? American and Canadian? Does it really matter? Dont let the presense of melinin or the deficiency thereof hinder your experiences in life.

I belive that cross cultured relationships are the attempts of two people advancing toward a more beautiful and colorful society where brotherhood exists hand in hand with peace an tranquility... the result of interracial mingling or the amalgamation of "black, white, brown, yellow, red" or whater other hues used to describe a persons ethnicity is definately a wonderful thing. Do you all not know that the asinic black man is the original human being? WE have been separated and streamlined through racial prejudice and ignorance through the bloodlines of our predecessors, and for this reason we have labled humans with colors. In reality, "race" doesnt matter when we are in the womb, and it isnt going to matter when we're in our caskets, so dont let a one dimensional way of thinking determine your actions in life. On the rilla, you may miss out on learning something more important than your fears, so accept multicultural relationships (not just sexual, but educational also) and embrace universal love.
Jul 31, 2002
in one respect i hope for the preservation of culture.. but if what you have is 2 americans then what culture will be lost??? my son is a white/mexican with filipino, scottish/irish, whelsh, choctaw, slavonian..most handsome boy in the world..
his culture was washed out before i got with his dad.. i have taught him more about mexican and filipino culture then that side of his family..food, music, language- becaused I do think that cultural preservation is the main issue in interracial..my son's great grandpa came from the phillipines back post ww1.. and he worked in the fields where he hooked up with great gramma who is a new mexico-an lite skinned mexican, and they had 4 daughters-not one of which speaks a language other than english, or knows any dances.. they can all cook-so then they hook up with differebt races.. and my son's dad was a little more mexican then his mom.. and then i'm white.. but i teach my son the history of occupied america and the 'liberation' of the phillipines and he has favorite spanish c.d.s and has been taught a lot of spanish..
so u tell me.. was it a bad thing or a good thing..
that white guilt thing had me thinkin for a sec- but naaah.. since like 4 years old chicanos were my people.. this didn't start during adolescents.. the only qwhite boyfriend i ever had was in 7th grade and we would just walk around holding hands, and one day he kissed me, and i knew i didn't like him because he was too white..
May 13, 2002
FoeTwin said:
question: if a irish person hooks up with a yugoslavian, wouldnt that be "interracial"? Or how about a Turkish and and Austrian? An east Indian and a Suadi? A Libyian and a Tanzanian? American and Canadian? Does it really matter? Dont let the presense of melinin or the deficiency thereof hinder your experiences in life.

I belive that cross cultured relationships are the attempts of two people advancing toward a more beautiful and colorful society where brotherhood exists hand in hand with peace an tranquility........
Nicely stated FoeTwin
Jul 24, 2002
Interracial relationships are healthy, specially for the racists.
Congress should pass a law that says racists can only marry the race they hate.

Just think about it, these people will be forced to accept the other race when they have interracial children....
May 13, 2002
It's interesting to note that blonde hair is "endangered" and will be extinct by 2202.

Skin evolution is relatively new to humans. Skin color is mainly based on a combination of how much ultraviolet light humans were subjected to and certain vitamins.

If only some of you would have listened in Science class!

"Jablonski and Chaplin predicted the skin colors of indigenous people across the globe based on how much ultraviolet light different areas receive. Graphic by Matt Zang, adapted from the data of N. Jablonski and G. Chaplin"

People in the tropics have developed dark skin to block out the sun and protect their body's folate reserves. People far from the equator have developed fair skin to drink in the sun and produce adequate amounts of vitamin D during the long winter months.

It isn't rocket science people.

I never understood race issues. Skin color has absolutely nothing to do with the way people think. Take a dark skinned man and raise him in a certain environment and guess what? He will be just like a light skinned man raised in the exact same environment.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Maybe that's the mentality "Deep In The Woods" but us city folk don't see it that way, you fuckin inbred.


I think interracial dating and marriage or whatever is fine...GET OVER IT, IT'S JUST A COLOR!
Mar 18, 2003
Mista Sinista said:
Normally when you see a white person who only date black people, especially white women who dates black men, you only see them like blk men for non-important reasons, like, for one...our style, looks, and the theory of what black men are packing sexually. Then when you see a white woman date a black man, 90% of the time its the fat, trashy lookin ones. Also...most of them white gurls have deep hatred for black women but at the same time, try to imitate black women to impress black men. Another point...when they wanna get a brotha the first thing they do is throw sex in their face...
Some of what you said in this thread is true, but most of it is selfish unresearched assumptions that you slapped together in one senseless post. Have you even thought about some of the thoughtless rambling that you just laid out? Let me help you along here. By all means, fuck with these topics:

1. You described the ugliness of a white women trying to get over on black men, but let me ask you, do you think that every black man that has ever dated a trashy lookin white girl was after her heart? You've laid out all these details but you have yet to make a single comment on the intentions of a black man trying to date one of these white women. I think they are just as guilty as white women as far as using physical attributes to attract another person, or having something other than getting to know the other person on their mind. So why is it that your entire post is so one sided and directed towards the ill intentions of white people? Is it because you are afraid to admit these things about black people, or are you worried that these aspects of interracial dating are true within even your own race?

2. Most of them white women have a deep hatred for black women? What the fuck is this based on Mista Sinista, please show me your evidence of this so I can document it. I don't understand how any one human can group enough information together to say something like this. If you're basing it on your own expierences, then you must have dated at least 25 trashy looking white girls. And if this is true, then tell me, were you after them intelectually?

3. White men talk shit about how pretty white women are but when they see a black women they all of the sudden want one? Okay.. how on earth they ever went without seeing one in the first place is beyond me, but again, what are you basing this assumption on Mista Sinista? It seems to me as if your research extends to maybe your own personal expierences and possibly a few of your friends. Why is it that 99% of the white men I have ever met (or seen) do not date black women? Where are these white men that are just running after black women Mista Sinista, it must be true for you to make a bold statement like that. I see some, but very few.

4. How can you claim what white people want when your a black man Mista Sinista?

Has it even crossed your mind that just about every relationship in history has involved physical attraction and sexual acts before any real deep conversations took place between the two? You think that it is only white people who care about looks? Man, I hope you can understand how hideous some of this stuff that you wrote really is. So withour further adue, can you *please* compile your research and evidence that brought you to believe that:

1. White people are after black people only because of their looks.
2. White women have a deep hatred for black women.
3. White women never try to get a black man with her mind.
4. White men talk shit about black women until "they see them" and then they want one.

I think that you feel insecure about who you are as a person, and it might have something to do with the color of your skin. I have seen you repeatidly attack "white" people as if you are white and know how every one of them thinks. The reality of it is, you could look back into the civil rights era and make assumptions like that, you could say "white people are racist" and some of the other things you have stated, because it was true, it was the standard way of thinking, the status quo. But this is a different era now. We are all individuals, we think differently. Just because some dumb ass white trash hoe got over on you, doesn't mean the next girl is trying to do the same. You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover Mista Sinista, you should know that by now. Is generalizing things about a race of humans in such a negetive manner not being prejudice? How can you deny such a thing.

Mista Sinista, do you think that a white person saying the same things you just did about black people would be labeled a prejudice or a racist person? Don't answer that, just think about it.
Mar 18, 2003
FoeTwin said:
question: if a irish person hooks up with a yugoslavian, wouldnt that be "interracial"? Or how about a Turkish and and Austrian? An east Indian and a Suadi? A Libyian and a Tanzanian? American and Canadian? Does it really matter? Dont let the presense of melinin or the deficiency thereof hinder your experiences in life.
This is what I was trying to explain (when I said that race was not real). People get their "race" and "nationalities" all mixed up. People talking about not being white, but Itilian is an example of such ignorace. If we must let "race" be a factor in our lives we must choose to embrace it for it's literal meaning, that being the "color" of ones skin, and not the origin of it. If we do this you will find people taking a step back (for stereotypical purposes) and some stepping forward (maybe for beneficial purposes). The point is, race is man made in that it is recognized by people as a seperation between two humans, but in reality, it is just the hue of ones skin as you put it. So you go on to say:

FoeTwin said:
I belive that cross cultured relationships are the attempts of two people advancing toward a more beautiful and colorful society where brotherhood exists hand in hand with peace an tranquility... the result of interracial mingling or the amalgamation of "black, white, brown, yellow, red" or whater other hues used to describe a persons ethnicity is definately a wonderful thing. In reality, "race" doesnt matter when we are in the womb, and it isnt going to matter when we're in our caskets, so dont let a one dimensional way of thinking determine your actions in life. On the rilla, you may miss out on learning something more important than your fears, so accept multicultural relationships (not just sexual, but educational also) and embrace universal love.
..and I'm starting to get the impression that you believe skin color doesn't really matter (other then what effects people let it have on themselves). FoeTwin, do you think that skin color seperates individuals based on anything other then the color of their skin? For example, do you think a white, brown, and black baby, born and raised by the same mother on a deserted island will be seperated in their thought patterns? Will the black kid show "typical" traits of a black man we know today; will the white kid think he is superior to the other two; will the brown kid show traits of the mother who raised him and not of his ancestry?

FoeTwin said:
Do you all not know that the asinic black man is the original human being? WE have been separated and streamlined through racial prejudice and ignorance through the bloodlines of our predecessors, and for this reason we have labled humans with colors.
How nice. I hate to burst your bubble, but did you know its *impossible* to determine the color of the first ever human. It was not documented; it can not and wil not be researched, and more importantly it does not matter. I could provide more proof that the first human was "white", but what does it really mean? If we are all of the same kind, then it does not even deserved to be mentioned.

chiligrrl said:
and one day he kissed me, and i knew i didn't like him because he was too white..
Literally? The color of his skin was to bright for you? Ain't that some shit.
Jul 6, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
..and I'm starting to get the impression that you believe skin color doesn't really matter (other then what effects people let it have on themselves).
The type of environment one is raised in determines their personality and their reactions to other different types of environments... have you ever heard of the term "culture shock"? No, have you seen the Dave Chepelle show episode where he is a black klansman preaching white power???? *scratches head sarcastically* Why did this happen?

Nitro the Guru said:
FoeTwin, do you think that skin color seperates individuals based on anything other then the color of their skin?
I have brown skin and I am from the Northwest, and when I moved to the Southeast my counterparts were perplexed and couldnt comprehend that a "black" person couldnt play basketball but knew how to ice skate and play hockey... answer your question?

Nitro the Guru said:
I hate to burst your bubble, but did you know its *impossible* to determine the color of the first ever human. It was not documented; it can not and wil not be researched, and more importantly it does not matter. I could provide more proof that the first human was "white", but what does it really mean?
It means that you are blinded by the real Universal Truth of this whole matter concerning the Original Creator, but for the sake of this thread you are right, it doesnt matter.
May 13, 2002
I briefly read a little on that link Foetwin, but from my understanding the original man was not black or white. The original man was lighter brown color. Remember, early man was covered with hair, as we are today, but of course a much thicker coat. The hair protected the skin from sunlight; this means there was no reason to have dark skin.

Have you ever seen a shaved monkey or a hairless monkey? Surprisingly they have a light skin tone. This would have been similar to the color of the first humans.

This of course is doesn't mean anything, except from a scientific point of view.
Mar 18, 2003
FoeTwin said:
The type of environment one is raised in determines their personality and their reactions to other different types of environments... have you ever heard of the term "culture shock"? No, have you seen the Dave Chepelle show episode where he is a black klansman preaching white power???? *scratches head sarcastically* Why did this happen?
Yes I have heard of cultural shock. Moving on, what you just talked about is what happens when people let race be a force in their life. When someone has to adapt to the standards and way of life around them where race has so much history and impirtance, it is likely skin color will have an impact on ones way of thinking, but racism in this country makes up for a relatively short period of time when looking at the big picture (the beginning of man). Read my next reply to you for more.

FoeTwin said:
I have brown skin and I am from the Northwest, and when I moved to the Southeast my counterparts were perplexed and couldnt comprehend that a "black" person couldnt play basketball but knew how to ice skate and play hockey... answer your question?
No this does not answer my question. Your talking about another person being mentally affected by the color of skin because of what he has been taught, and allowing him to impact your way of answering this question. What I'm asking you is if you think skin color has an affect on the way ones self thinks. That is why I used the example of a white, brown, and black kid being raised *seperate* from a society that is entrenched in racial standards. I understand that a black man living in a town with white supremacist rednecks might be impacted by the color of skin, but aside from racial standards in this country especially, does it have any affect on your way of thinking.

FoeTwin said:
It means that you are blinded by the real Universal Truth of this whole matter concerning the Original Creator, but for the sake of this thread you are right, it doesnt matter.
There are countless other religions and thinkers that will say I'm blind as well. It's the wonderful world of opinion.
Oct 12, 2003
i found some things wrong about that link.. I'll only go into a couple cause i only have a few minutes until I am on my lunch break.

1. it states that the original mexican indian came from AZTLAN .

Only the Mexica (Aztecs) claim to be from AZTLAN which is believed to be the present day American Southwest. Also The Teothiuacanos were in mexico at least 1000 years before the Mexica so how could they be the original indians?

2. How are the Asians (mexican indians) the first humans if some of the first human bones were found in Africa?