Jae iLL said:
^^ So I'm saying, what can witches actually do? I aint talkin about optical illusions and all that, but seriously, what elements can witches control?
In response to "elements witches' control"
"There are theories of the earth that many Witches believe in:
Theory of Motion
of Levels
of Polarity
of Gender
of Cause and Effect
These theories are derived from Hermetic Principles. Generally, this group of interworking theorems explain the workings of physical and metaphysical worlds, as well as the interconnections between those worlds. However, different "denominations" believe different things, so some may not incorporate all these theories into their practice....
Overall, this theory states that everything on every level is constantly moving and vibrating at its own rate and nothing is ever at rest. Everything is constantly active and therefore giving off energy. An interruption in this movement is a cause or a remedy, depending on the circumstance.
Ex: sickness is often the result of an imbalance of a person's energy field (aura) and healing is accomplished by altering the aura so it returns to its normal rate of vibration and rotation.
An understanding of this theory is important to witches because its by manipulating this energy and motion that they are able to accomplish various tasks...
We believe in reality in the physical level, and many believe it in etheral levels (heavenly). The Wiccan theory of Levels believes that reality exists on many levels: physical, ethereal, astral, mental, and spiritual. Each of these levels has their own individual laws, but all are compatible with one another. Their mutual and compatible resonance, or rate of vibration, therby governs the interactions between levels.
Witches have proven in practice that there is an interaction between levels. Ex: situations where the ethereal level interacts with, and acts on the physical level (such as, Chakras), or the mental on the astral (psychic abilities) and so on. While each level is constantly affecting others, there are areas of interaction, from occurrences of mutual resonance, which are paricularly strong and sufficinetly defined, to be used in the Craft. The understanding and ability to draw from these areas of strong interaction is what witches call "working through the levels." It's this action of using the interaction of levels in constructive workings that constitutes the operational side of witchcraft. Thus, the ability to make constuctive use of this interaction between the levels is the aim of witches.
This principle states that in order to exist, all form and force require the reciprocal action of opposing pairs--positive and negative, light and dark, masculine and feminine, etc.--and that the resulting output is defined by it constructive or destructive application. Basically, it means that everything is composed of opposing parts, a concept in contrast to most traditional religions.....Wicca recognizes both good and evil, but unlike other religions, witches identify these opposites as components of a whole, rather than one component conquering another.
This states that all things contain masculine and feminine componenets. Nothing is wholly masculine or feminine, but rather an equal combination of both genders. These dual forces, in continuous motion, constitute a creative force. This is an important concept for witches...to become fully aware of the Universe and the foces within it, witches first need to become attuned to both thier masculine and feminine components. Only after successfully mastering these dual elements are they able to factor masculine and feminine energies into creative work.
Witches who can recognize and express their dual nature of their psyche are more likely to be creative (in the sense of the Craft) than those whose perspectives are limited by their physcial gender. And even though one component does not operate on the conscious level, leaning to bring the conconscious component closer to conscious awareness is vital so the unconscious componenet can act as a psychic guide for using the collective unconscious. Since all spells involve these principles, knowing how they operate, and being able to follow their guidance, can further a witch's ability in terms of the Craft.
The Hermetic principle that sets forth this theory is based on the premise that there is not such thing as chance that everything is caused by a preceding event, while at the same time being the cause of an event. Bluntly, there is no such thing as an individual who is unconnected to the rest of the Universe. Although it may not seem apparent on the surface, the actions of each person affect in the overall web of life, while the web simultaneously causes the effects on a person."
This text is quoted from the book:
"Witches' Craft: A Multidenominational Wicca Bible" by Bruce K. Wilborn