What are your beliefs?

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Apr 14, 2004
Jae iLL said:
^^ So I'm saying, what can witches actually do? I aint talkin about optical illusions and all that, but seriously, what elements can witches control?

In response to "elements witches' control"

"There are theories of the earth that many Witches believe in:

Theory of Motion
of Levels
of Polarity
of Gender
of Cause and Effect

These theories are derived from Hermetic Principles. Generally, this group of interworking theorems explain the workings of physical and metaphysical worlds, as well as the interconnections between those worlds. However, different "denominations" believe different things, so some may not incorporate all these theories into their practice....

Overall, this theory states that everything on every level is constantly moving and vibrating at its own rate and nothing is ever at rest. Everything is constantly active and therefore giving off energy. An interruption in this movement is a cause or a remedy, depending on the circumstance.

Ex: sickness is often the result of an imbalance of a person's energy field (aura) and healing is accomplished by altering the aura so it returns to its normal rate of vibration and rotation.
An understanding of this theory is important to witches because its by manipulating this energy and motion that they are able to accomplish various tasks...

We believe in reality in the physical level, and many believe it in etheral levels (heavenly). The Wiccan theory of Levels believes that reality exists on many levels: physical, ethereal, astral, mental, and spiritual. Each of these levels has their own individual laws, but all are compatible with one another. Their mutual and compatible resonance, or rate of vibration, therby governs the interactions between levels.

Witches have proven in practice that there is an interaction between levels. Ex: situations where the ethereal level interacts with, and acts on the physical level (such as, Chakras), or the mental on the astral (psychic abilities) and so on. While each level is constantly affecting others, there are areas of interaction, from occurrences of mutual resonance, which are paricularly strong and sufficinetly defined, to be used in the Craft. The understanding and ability to draw from these areas of strong interaction is what witches call "working through the levels." It's this action of using the interaction of levels in constructive workings that constitutes the operational side of witchcraft. Thus, the ability to make constuctive use of this interaction between the levels is the aim of witches.

This principle states that in order to exist, all form and force require the reciprocal action of opposing pairs--positive and negative, light and dark, masculine and feminine, etc.--and that the resulting output is defined by it constructive or destructive application. Basically, it means that everything is composed of opposing parts, a concept in contrast to most traditional religions.....Wicca recognizes both good and evil, but unlike other religions, witches identify these opposites as components of a whole, rather than one component conquering another.

This states that all things contain masculine and feminine componenets. Nothing is wholly masculine or feminine, but rather an equal combination of both genders. These dual forces, in continuous motion, constitute a creative force. This is an important concept for witches...to become fully aware of the Universe and the foces within it, witches first need to become attuned to both thier masculine and feminine components. Only after successfully mastering these dual elements are they able to factor masculine and feminine energies into creative work.

Witches who can recognize and express their dual nature of their psyche are more likely to be creative (in the sense of the Craft) than those whose perspectives are limited by their physcial gender. And even though one component does not operate on the conscious level, leaning to bring the conconscious component closer to conscious awareness is vital so the unconscious componenet can act as a psychic guide for using the collective unconscious. Since all spells involve these principles, knowing how they operate, and being able to follow their guidance, can further a witch's ability in terms of the Craft.

The Hermetic principle that sets forth this theory is based on the premise that there is not such thing as chance that everything is caused by a preceding event, while at the same time being the cause of an event. Bluntly, there is no such thing as an individual who is unconnected to the rest of the Universe. Although it may not seem apparent on the surface, the actions of each person affect in the overall web of life, while the web simultaneously causes the effects on a person."

This text is quoted from the book:
"Witches' Craft: A Multidenominational Wicca Bible" by Bruce K. Wilborn
Aug 8, 2003
couldnt have said it better myself.

Note that satanism follows similar rituals but the focus is more on doing things for themself and dont feel as if they need to fulfill a karmic obligation to help someone unless they felt like it. So when i hear someone say witchcraft is devil worshipping its like saying that all christians are catholic and vice versa.
Nov 17, 2002
MackRavenn said:
She teaches me the principles of Wicca, psychic development, Reiki...pretty much anything I want to know. She also feels that books are very important and refers me to the ones which will tell me the most.

Of course what she teaches me are HER principles, her beliefs, her thoughts...but they are also the princlples and beliefs of many others. I have been taught these things to form my own beliefs, opinions, and practices. She is merely my guide, teacher, and friend. With Wicca, unless you belong to a coven where people meet and share the same vews (somewhat like a "church"), a solitary practitioner can form their own beliefs, versions, traditions, rituals and so forth. There are MANY different "denominations and/or versions/varieties" of Wicca, just like with many other religions.

In Wicca, many people believe in a Goddess as the mother, and then she has a companion, who is the God. However, this is different because it is a matriarchal belief (mother), unlike Christianity, who follows a patriarchal philosophy (father). We believe the Goddes is the mother of creation, so she is first instead of the God, but together, they represent man and woman as equals.

We believe in the universe, and that the Goddess represents the moon, and the God the sun, and that the seasons are of the Goddess' and the God's life cycles and reincarnation. The phases of the moon are also the phases of the Goddess' life.

We very much so believe in Karma and Reincarnation.

We also believe in the earth, that it is living, and that we can use the earth's energy and laws for our CRAFT. Yes, that means Witchcraft, but we believe that it should only be used to help one another, and not to bend one's will or to harm anyone. As in, white magick.

Wiccans tend to be much more peaceful and non-judgemental and more enviornmental. However, we must remember that in any practice, people can be corrupted by power, such as any high priestess in any coven...

However, not every Wiccan is a witch or practices witchcraft...some just worship the Goddess and the earth...

The goal as a Wiccan? To live a fulfilling life and work of Karmic debts, to finish their reincarnation cycle, and to enjoy life and celebrate creation...that is my take on it. With many religions, enlightenment is the goal...

Any pagans here with other opinions?
Okay. I have two more questions...

What constitutes "helping one another"?

Also, concerning the goal, what I am asking is, what is liberation? You work off your karma and then what?

I think the answer for the second question would constitute the answer for the first question.
Jun 17, 2004
people have such a wrong stereotype of what wiccan/pagan religions practice... its a worship of nature, of mother earth. It's not like some witches casting spells n shit. it's a religion interested in the harmony and balance in nature and all things, a worship of mother nature. The only reason people think of it as being all dark/evil and stuff is because when the church(catholic church) was trying to become a major political power it sponsored huge "witch" hunts to get rid of the then predominant pagan religions of europe. The church claimed that what these pagan religions were worshipping was actually satan himself, and even copied the image of satan after the pagan god of fertility, baphomet (horned creature). The pentagram for example contrary to popular belief is not a symbol of satan-worship, it's actually the symbol for venus (the goddess) and the female side of all things.

The reason why these religions also got the reputation of being secret and mysterious is because during these huge church sponsored witchhunts(which went on well into the dark ages) the people who still practiced paganism were forced to practice it in secrecy or away from major cities for fear of being killed for defying the powerful catholic church. And to this day, many pagan-religions have made it a law to be cynical of society and practice (craft) alone in secrecy, it is what kept these ancient religions of europe alive during the churches powerful reign.

But anyways I don't really believe in that pagan stuff, I was raised christian and I am no longer christian because it, like many religions, has proven to be false. I believe Buddhism to be the best fitting religion for me, if you would call it a religion. Buddhism is very fitting with science, as well as Buddhism isn't a "worship" of anything, no deities no gods (except in some hindu-influenced sects). Just straight up enlightenment and realization of things (spiritual awakening?).

MackRaven: You might already know this but I've found that Buddhism (or just plain buddhist cultures) in some ways is very much like earth-worshipping pagan religions, in that a balance in nature is recognized and flow of energy of things etc. etc. etc. even some symbols are common in buddhism and pagan religions they both share a common interest in the harmony/balance of nature and all things on earth. I'm not talking about just buddhism itself but the buddhist-influenced cultures, you will find that even things like feng shui, acupuncture, and martial arts recognize a harmony of nature and flows of energy. This is something that I think most ancient religions recognize.... but the new religions(Christianity, Islam) once tried to wipe out even though their science now coincides with it (polar energies/connection of nature etc.)
Aug 8, 2003
n9newunsixx5150 said:
Okay. I have two more questions...

What constitutes "helping one another"?

eh, well, lets say if someone came to u and said, "george doesnt think im pretty, can u cast a spell on him to make him like me??" the answer will always be no. Imposing to change of the will of another can have severe consequences. but, u can go ahead and do something that would make the energies that person give off more intense and thus, making them more atrractable (attention wise)

Now, lets say if one of your homies was being harassed by this crooked ass cop. The balance of karma is not on the side of the officer, its your obligation to help your friend and balance it. U can hex the cop without expecting him to die or anything extreme. But u must make sure that the hex u send out fits the crime of the offender. u cant kill somebody cuz they scuffed your shoes, otherwise, your tipping the scale too far and placeing a much horrid outcome on yourself.

some witches are afraid to hex because of the rule of congriguity (i.e the ever famous what u send out returns 3 fold) however, these practioners dont understand that if someone is being bullied around then it is a good deed to bully the bullier.
Nov 17, 2002
TROLL said:
eh, well, lets say if someone came to u and said, "george doesnt think im pretty, can u cast a spell on him to make him like me??" the answer will always be no. Imposing to change of the will of another can have severe consequences. but, u can go ahead and do something that would make the energies that person give off more intense and thus, making them more atrractable (attention wise)

Now, lets say if one of your homies was being harassed by this crooked ass cop. The balance of karma is not on the side of the officer, its your obligation to help your friend and balance it. U can hex the cop without expecting him to die or anything extreme. But u must make sure that the hex u send out fits the crime of the offender. u cant kill somebody cuz they scuffed your shoes, otherwise, your tipping the scale too far and placeing a much horrid outcome on yourself.

some witches are afraid to hex because of the rule of congriguity (i.e the ever famous what u send out returns 3 fold) however, these practioners dont understand that if someone is being bullied around then it is a good deed to bully the bullier.
I think we can do better than this. Are we more concerned with the clothes or the person wearing them? In other words, are we more concerned with helping temporal bodies or with helping eternal souls?
Apr 14, 2004
n9newunsixx5150 said:
What constitutes "helping one another"?
Helping one another is exactly as Troll said...one example I really like:
Say your friend has physical pain of some sort, or even a psychological condition and has asked for your help. You can cast a spell to stop the pain of the headache, or guide the mental condition to be released and delt with.

But when casting a spell, you MUST be very careful and precise about what you say and intend. Once you send something into the Universe to be delivered or distributed, taking it back is impossible. It then must run its course...or you can try to reverse it with another spell, but that's just a huge mess...

n9newunsixx5150 said:
Also, concerning the goal, what I am asking is, what is liberation? You work off your karma and then what?
There are many different beliefs to this...I personally believe that once you have finished your journey and have achieved enlightenment, then you move to the "other world" or the "afterlife". You have a new place where you belong, with others of enlightenment, or in your own "heaven", or you can even come back to earth and be a spiritual guide for those struggling in their journeys...

Everyone living is assigned a guide, and you may call them your conscience. It all depends on how "in touch" with your spiritual side and your guide you are in order to communicate with them, And there are Reiki practitioners who say they have guides who help them treat people and give them guidance...those guides also help direct the energy to where it necessarily needs to go.
Apr 14, 2004
FunK-3-FivE said:
MackRaven: You might already know this but I've found that Buddhism (or just plain buddhist cultures) in some ways is very much like earth-worshipping pagan religions, in that a balance in nature is recognized and flow of energy of things etc. etc. etc. even some symbols are common in buddhism and pagan religions they both share a common interest in the harmony/balance of nature and all things on earth. I'm not talking about just buddhism itself but the buddhist-influenced cultures, you will find that even things like feng shui, acupuncture, and martial arts recognize a harmony of nature and flows of energy. This is something that I think most ancient religions recognize.... but the new religions(Christianity, Islam) once tried to wipe out even though their science now coincides with it (polar energies/connection of nature etc.)

The first religion I looked into (not as deeply as you maybe) was Buddhism because the one thing that brought me away from Christianity was Reiki. Reiki and Buddhism intertwine in ways that many are not aware of. I practice Feng shui and Martial Arts (not traditional, but innovative, and taijiquan), and have incorporated these aspects into my daily life. I am very open to things like that because they make sense.

I have yet to try accupuncture, but have been looking into Macrobiotics because I am working towards an exercise science and nutritionist BA degree. Macrobiotics is a type of "scientific" dieting. You eat certain foods which will cause your body's cells to metabolize and energize a thousand times better than with modern nutrition. It is so amazing that it can help cure many diseases and cancer (I heard about it from a woman I met who battled breast cancer without radiation treatments or chemotherapy, and only did the macrobiotic diet. A year later she had surgery, and the tumor had reduced to 1/3 of its original size...)
Apr 14, 2004
n9newunsixx5150 said:
I think we can do better than this. Are we more concerned with the clothes or the person wearing them? In other words, are we more concerned with helping temporal bodies or with helping eternal souls?

Witchcraft can be helpful in either aspect, but focuses on using psychic energy to make things happen. My master uses Reiki in her witchcraft practice because Reiki is a healing art for both aspects of the human.

When you perform Reiki on a person, it not only works on healing the body, but it heals the psychological and mental aspects also. Remember, when one is performing Reiki, they are creating their bodies' vibrational levels to rise, which happens to and is beneficial to both the Healer and the receiver. And when a healer is working on a person, the healer is healing themselves along with the receiver because the energy flows through both bodies and grounds back into the earth after passing through...
Apr 14, 2004
FunK-3-FivE said:
...The only reason people think of it as being all dark/evil and stuff is because when the church(catholic church) was trying to become a major political power it sponsored huge "witch" hunts to get rid of the then predominant pagan religions of europe. The church claimed that what these pagan religions were worshipping was actually satan himself, and even copied the image of satan after the pagan god of fertility, baphomet (horned creature). The pentagram for example contrary to popular belief is not a symbol of satan-worship, it's actually the symbol for venus (the goddess) and the female side of all things.

The reason why these religions also got the reputation of being secret and mysterious is because during these huge church sponsored witchhunts(which went on well into the dark ages) the people who still practiced paganism were forced to practice it in secrecy or away from major cities for fear of being killed for defying the powerful catholic church. And to this day, many pagan-religions have made it a law to be cynical of society and practice (craft) alone in secrecy, it is what kept these ancient religions of europe alive during the churches powerful reign.

We must also remember that many witches were actually healers and known for good deeds before the Inquisition and Buring Times. Many people would go to witches because they could cast spells to help them with their everyday lives (sickness, crop fertility, fincances, problems with neighbors...etc.) It was the people of authority who feared witches because they had a power that they didn't understand and couldn't fathom it being "of God". Furthermore, there were great areas where pagans would not give into the catholic religion and convert. The church of course wanted to rid themselves of these people. So it was a combination of ignorance, fear and power which motivated people to eradicate the pagan religions...
Aug 8, 2003
n9newunsixx5150 said:
I think we can do better than this. Are we more concerned with the clothes or the person wearing them? In other words, are we more concerned with helping temporal bodies or with helping eternal souls?
Im unsure what u meant, but, from what i gather your saying that there is little emphasis on the material and physical interactions and more on the eternal soul.

A witch IS NOT a preacher of the divine, but more of an ambassador and a link to the fabrics of energies and has control over them and is able to alter them in a way that would manifest a specific outcome. Most won't try to convince/alter or change someones perceptions or belief's to "save their soul." That would be imposing your beliefs on another which is a no no. It would be foolish if not dangerous to cast something that would "help" them on that spiritual level (unless it was directly asked of you) because what one might percieve as "helpful" might be deemed "meddle some" by others. Dont burden yourself with the notion that its our duty to save someones soul, because only the individual can save their own soul. Maybe i shouldnt have used those examples of karmic obligations.
Aug 8, 2003
and a side note. whoever it was that i was speaking to on AIM, get a life.

watch how this conversation went downhill fast.

PHOTON33424: hey
me: hi.
PHOTON33424:your a witch right??
me:...... ok so im guessing your from the siccness.
PHOTON33424:how do you know?????
me:im a witch remember? lol. nah, thats the only place ive spoken about such things.
PHOTON33424:well can u do me a favor?
PHOTON33424: on?
me:how bad its needed.
PHOTON33424:very. I lost my shoe.
me:.... (left the computer for about 15 minutes)

PHOTON33424:you still there??
PHOTON33424:what are you too good to talk to me now??
me:your still here?
PHOTON33424: ok, then can you make me rich?
me: your joking right?
me: no i cannot make you rich. i can make you FEEL rich and even make your finances decently stable, but what your asking for is money to appear out of no where and just drop into your lap.
PHOTON33424:yeah that would do..20's 50's.
me:woww. sad part is im not sure if your joking or not anymore.
PHOTON33424:and an escalade on 24's
me: ......
PHOTON33424:and a tight ass house.
PHOTON33424:2 pits
PHOTON33424:and halle berry as my wife.
me: I can do that.
me: :no.
(10 minutes pass)
PHOTON33424:If you got powers then how come u dont show them to everybody???
me: :those who look with skepticism will most likely justify anything.
me:Its almost impossible to do something like leviating on someone elses command. A key rule is that by telling someone what your capable of and to "show off" is to forget that a successful casting has a main focus on intent. It must be validated. Nothing will work for you if u try to do it just for the sake of doing it.
me:Im not saying anymore. I dont kno how to be anymore clearer.
PHOTON33424:so you can fly?
me: only when im smoking dank.
PHOTON33424:isnt it against your religion to do drugs???
me: where the hell did u hear that? Let one do to themselves whatever it is they may wish, i, nor noone else has the authority to tell them what they can and cant do..i smoke to open the flood gate of emotions....which can be converted too passion. Which dictates the potentcy of the spell. It also helps in thinning the veil between this world and the other planes of existence.
me: No .
me: : ok ok, yes i studied satanism.
me:congratulations your a psychic....dipshit.
PHOTON33424:fuck you fag
me:hey im outta eye of newt, would u prefer that bow legged broad with buck teeth down the street from you over halle?
me:im mexican and chipewa.
me:my condolences.
me: handfasting
me: we handfast.
me: no, actually, my beliefs promote an eye for an eye while its yours that tell u to turn the other cheek.
me: not a good christian are u?
PHOTON33424:Fuck you
Nov 17, 2002
TROLL said:
Im unsure what u meant, but, from what i gather your saying that there is little emphasis on the material and physical interactions and more on the eternal soul.

A witch IS NOT a preacher of the divine, but more of an ambassador and a link to the fabrics of energies and has control over them and is able to alter them in a way that would manifest a specific outcome. Most won't try to convince/alter or change someones perceptions or belief's to "save their soul." That would be imposing your beliefs on another which is a no no. It would be foolish if not dangerous to cast something that would "help" them on that spiritual level (unless it was directly asked of you) because what one might percieve as "helpful" might be deemed "meddle some" by others. Dont burden yourself with the notion that its our duty to save someones soul, because only the individual can save their own soul. Maybe i shouldnt have used those examples of karmic obligations.
If they realized that all their powers are given to them by the Divine then they would be whistling a different tune. Are you telling me that Wiccans have no conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth? Not even an impersonal understanding?
Nov 17, 2002
MackRavenn said:
Helping one another is exactly as Troll said...one example I really like:
Say your friend has physical pain of some sort, or even a psychological condition and has asked for your help. You can cast a spell to stop the pain of the headache, or guide the mental condition to be released and delt with.

But when casting a spell, you MUST be very careful and precise about what you say and intend. Once you send something into the Universe to be delivered or distributed, taking it back is impossible. It then must run its course...or you can try to reverse it with another spell, but that's just a huge mess...

There are many different beliefs to this...I personally believe that once you have finished your journey and have achieved enlightenment, then you move to the "other world" or the "afterlife". You have a new place where you belong, with others of enlightenment, or in your own "heaven", or you can even come back to earth and be a spiritual guide for those struggling in their journeys...

Everyone living is assigned a guide, and you may call them your conscience. It all depends on how "in touch" with your spiritual side and your guide you are in order to communicate with them, And there are Reiki practitioners who say they have guides who help them treat people and give them guidance...those guides also help direct the energy to where it necessarily needs to go.
Then would you not agree that helping others means guiding them to this goal? If we are helping others in their physical or mental conditions but not promoting knowledge of the self and its relationship with the absolute then what is the value of our help?
Apr 14, 2004
n9newunsixx5150 said:
Then would you not agree that helping others means guiding them to this goal? If we are helping others in their physical or mental conditions but not promoting knowledge of the self and its relationship with the absolute then what is the value of our help?
I can agree that maybe we are supposed help someone with this goal. After every death, the individual plans their next life and "makes a list" of goals to accomplish. So they of course could reach out to us to guide them with this...however, who is to say that we are supposed to dabble in this area? When it comes to a situation as such, I feel that conversing with your guides or your "absolute" is completely necessary for you to do what is right. You can never assume that you are supposed to be doing what has been asked of you. However, in some cases some people will need help with thier physical or mental conditions because it is what is stopping them from reaching past those problems and achieving knowledge of themselves and their relationship with the absolute. If one came to me with a problem that I could help, maybe it is my purpose to help them. Then again, maybe not....
Apr 14, 2004
n9newunsixx5150 said:
If they realized that all their powers are given to them by the Divine then they would be whistling a different tune. Are you telling me that Wiccans have no conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth? Not even an impersonal understanding?
Who is to say that all of our powers are GIVEN to us by the Divine? They allow us to have powers because we have the ability. I suppose that you could argue that they are given to us, but I don't believe that. We have science here on earth, and witches use aspects of science to make things happen. As a witch casting a spell, like I have said before, we are merely directing energy into the Universe to result in an outcome. Sometimes it doesn't work because it is not supposed to. Of course, there is always divine intervention in some situations, and when that happens, it is for a great reason.

If you are referring to the Supreme Absoloue Truth of what your follow or believe, then why would I necessarily know what you are talking about? Please, guide me to a link to understand...
Aug 8, 2003
n9newunsixx5150 said:
If they realized that all their powers are given to them by the Divine then they would be whistling a different tune. Are you telling me that Wiccans have no conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth? Not even an impersonal understanding?
no. I was stating that we are not a people who believes in pushing those who do not understand (or want to) into believeing that our way is "right" I quote ly de angels "witchcraft theory and practice, pg 41 second paragraph of the law of conguity....
"all of our techniques so far have been for the purposes of control and clarity WITHOUT force."
we all kno like attracts like and if someone wants to learn the wayz and understand what u do then they will definately kno who to come too. I guess what it boils down too is that we both believe in the absoulte truth, but we differ on how it should be spread. My take is i have no problems teaching somebody who wishes to learn.
Nov 17, 2002
MackRavenn said:
I can agree that maybe we are supposed help someone with this goal. After every death, the individual plans their next life and "makes a list" of goals to accomplish. So they of course could reach out to us to guide them with this...however, who is to say that we are supposed to dabble in this area? When it comes to a situation as such, I feel that conversing with your guides or your "absolute" is completely necessary for you to do what is right. You can never assume that you are supposed to be doing what has been asked of you. However, in some cases some people will need help with thier physical or mental conditions because it is what is stopping them from reaching past those problems and achieving knowledge of themselves and their relationship with the absolute. If one came to me with a problem that I could help, maybe it is my purpose to help them. Then again, maybe not....
Those who have the capacity to understand should dabble in that area. Actually, I would go so far to say that it is every human's responsibility. This doesn't mean we should force it upon others though. Knowledge of the soul is something animals typically lack the capacity to understand. So as humans our life is not meant to waste this capacity by acting animalistically. I am not saying that what you follow is wasting in this way. I am just asking questions so that I can understand your philosophy on the matter.