Well, i saw Crazie Locs suck his own dick

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Jul 12, 2002
Hey Locs, is this "women" you're talking about someone you know in real life? Or did you meet them online. Did they ask you to make these videos? I'm concerned that someone may be trying to abuse you man and I'm afraid you might be too far gone to even know it. Or was it your own idea to make these videos? If so maybe you are too far gone to realize how messed up that is. I dunno really, tbh. But if someone has been egging you on to make these videos that's a lil fucked up. I don't know what to say so I'm just going to smh and leave. bye.
I was laughing so hard at this all day that it didn't even cross my mind that he was being catfished into doing this. Now I feel bad for him, fa realz doe.