I think anyone hates a song or artist that gets overplayed several times every hour on the radio or anywhere else. Especially if its not that good to begin with, whether people want to admit it or not what gets played on the radio is repetitive and uncreative. Sure, it may sound good but it has little to no replay value.
If anyone likes Wayne they would love underground hip hop imo, Wayne tries so hard to come up with good punchlines and lyrics but ends up reaching and forcing them. Artists in the underground do that perfectly, although Lil Wayne is going more for sound lately than creative lyrics like on his Carter 1&2 albums..
personally I don't listen to the radio hardly at all, so the songs don't get played out to me. also he has a lot of songs that aren't played on the radio at all
I listen to Wayne and other mainstream music sometimes, and sometimes I'll listen to underground shit... just keep a constant rotation going
and I agree Wayne does force some punchlines, and a lot of underground artists are better than him, but he's still better than a lot rappers IMO, but that's just my opinion
personally I don't care if other people like wayne, I just think there's this attitude that if it's on the radio it's automatically garbage, and people make little comments like "only teenage girls like wayne... blah blah"
it is what it is though... we all have opinions