The practical applicability of the ideas on this forum and said importance are subjective; the fact that the opinions of many here seem to be uniform may be upsetting and offputting to you, but really doesn't mean shit to the rest of us. Where you look and see a chorus of opinions I see disagreements and discussion occuring at least semi-often. The reason it is so much more upsetting to you is because you are so diametrically opposed to the views of most or all of us, and you have no one to back you. Thus, in your opinion you are a Catholic in a room full of Mormons, Mormons who don't even want to hear the first word you say.
Something along those lines. Only, I am a Poor Conservative College-Educated Minority in a room full of predominately Middle Class College-Educated Whites. To act like that does not add into it, would be a gross mischaracterization.
These Middle Class Whites here feel as though I am obligated to be Liberal. Being that I am not, and am vehemently opposed to becoming a Liberal, and on top of all of that Have came from nothing, and on top of ALL OF THAT am in school, and ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT am excelling at school and have plans for business endeavours, a rap career and so on......enfuriates them to no end. NO END. Their numbers are in the dozens and verily they will not relent. 5 of them would kamikaze themselves to take me out, and I am just speaking the real here. I am a danger to the Liberal movement. I am a problem. I am one of those people who are capable of causing the Liberal movement great harm.
These things having been said, it is no suprise that people don't even touch on pragmatics, and instantly jump into the criticism and personal attacks. They fear me, and they ought to. But their cowardice and dishonesty is no measure of the applicability of what I am proposing or the rationale of what i am professing.
In fact, tadou, you have often been denied the opportunity to speak that first word or get heard out because you so frequently waste it. Had you not often touted yourself as the great answer to all that is incorrect and faulty about this board while attacking the views of everyone else, perhaps you would be listened to more attentively.
Hmm. Don't care. This is a message board, I get the first word any time I click the button before ayone else.
If this were real life, you'd understand that I would most-likely dominate the conversation, that you would not irritate me or cause me to raise my voice, and several other realities. You do not type nearly 100wpm on the internet, and not have at the LEAST an average ability to discuss things in `real-life'.
You do see people like EDJ, for example, with completely constant, unchanging views and an insistence on their own correctness not being persecuted on this board the way you are, and it may very well be due to the fact many on this board agree with them. That is, however, the unfortunate nature of things, and you can either deal or leave. Had you not came out sounding like the omniscient tadou on all things besides bonsai farming, that could have been the case for you as well.
I have been clear on the things that I am a master at. Among them are Internet arguing and Lyricism, and in most instances, Foreign language proficiency. Besides those, just about everything else is open.
EDJ is of no concern to me on the internet. concern. He is useless to me as an internet figure. I cannot get down with his all-caps talking, and none of the things he types inspire or motivate me. In person, however, I have no doubt in my mind that he would be more impressive than 99% of this board, and I say that with a straight face and not one semblance of sarcasm.
Many people hold views that they do not enforce or radically impose on the world. The only one infuriated here is you, and even then you have no right to judge the efficacy or importance of one person in the world. Your radical solution lies in agreeing with everything the American right says and does. I wouldn't call that very radical at all. I don't think Sean Hannity will ever be compared to MLK, Malcolm X, or Ghandi, and for good reason.
So you go from chastizing my grouping of people on this board, to proclaiming that I agree with "everything the American right says or does." That is very thorough of you. Thanks for not being a hypocrite, sir.
I impose my views on the world because, more often than not, they are more righter. Just the way the game goes. One is reminded of the quote "Nobody's perfect; but on a Curve, I am." (I am not sure what genius came up with this one, but he must surely be brilliant.)
The fact of the matter is, if what I say isn't right, I can make it right. And why? Because most people here are either of failures or of the uninitiated. There is only one man on this internet that I have been afraid to challenge for fear of my first real resounding defeat, and that man is named Ghet and he does not post here. Luckily for me, the man is a Conservative.
WTF am i supposed to even be talking about here? it matters.
Whether or not that is correct is immaterial. Many of us have told our life stories, but we shouldn't even have to. You are constantly slipping and flailing in arguments on these boards because your intent is unascertainable, your argumentative tactics are self-defeating and bombastic, and your phrasing and verbiage are often either muddled or asinine, leaving people with the standard 'tadou defense' they know - ridicule, attack, discount, etc.
Or could it be that I am just that damn good, and the same people who call me simple and stupid can't help but prove themselves liars when they then turn around and complain about my large active vocabulary and H-variety vernacular?
I am the master of pressing buttons. This much is not open to argument. Not A master; The Master. I have become the measure. Yet, this reality alone is not directly correlated with the strength or lack thereof of my message. That false reality is one created by people like you, who have in a sense felt the need to self-nominate themselves to attack me on behalf of all the other lemmings and nobodies who wish for a reprieve.
The fact of the matter is that, as much as i enjoy confronting typical liberals, you in turn fear and are deathly afraid of the thinking-man's conservative. Your hatred and feeling threatened paralells my enjoyment and curiosity, and that is a very sad thing. I mean,'s fucking depressing.
And yet....this is what you come with. A ratcheted-up, intellectual attack on the Top Conservative and his Top Criticism. I salute you for trying, but you get bad marks for being sloppy and inconsistent, especially with the "American right" comment.
The intricacies of our own speech or the lack of variation between us is (as usual....) not your concern. I'd rather sound similar to others on this board than engage in awkward, rambling diatribes of rather peculiar intent and unascertainable meanings, but that's just me. And I won't make a thread about it and how it proves my literary methods are superior to the stylistic automatons on the rest of this pitiful, uneducated board. But again, that's just me.
It is very much just you. In fact, it is very much everybody on this particular section of Siccness, which is why this board is such a shithole and a boring place to be.
"Castro rulz."
"I agree. Amerika SUXXX."
This was more or less the typical Post-Tadou, Pre-Dirty Shoez conversation.
You all.....fear greatness. You fear being superior. There is not much I can add to it. There is no other explanation. Either you fear greatness, or you fear being great and falling from grace. Either way, there is no part of me capable of understanding why people would not want to progress and move forward, but rather would prefer to complain and bitch and at the same time, act like corporate sluts chasing bigger paychecks, drinking Bud light while watching the Super Bowl, etc etc. And you all realize this which is why you lash out at others. For every one hypocritical thing you do, you chastize X amount of conservatives as a form of redemption.
In a country where people continue to scream about Racism and Poverty and the failure of the Public School system, I am a Poor Minority who has managed to overcome the odds. If i played buddy-buddy and acted like a Liberal shithead on this forum, my credentials would never come under question and, in fact, I'd have OTHER PEOPEL spouting them off if someone ever came at me sideways. But because I am a Conservative, then this somehow creates the perception that I believe that I am somehow above other people. For fucks sake, how many more qualifiers can you add?
My goal is to raise more Black people out of poverty, convince more Blacks to become teachers, introduce and spread the Swahili language among the Black population, and not much else. This is why I act like a pompous prick most of the time: Because the bullshit you guys talk about, like the war, taxes, abortion, etc.--I don'really t give a fuck about.