If you've heard the phrase "You're talking, but you ain't SAYING shit", then you already know what mouth-talking is supposed to mean. Its meant to be a very derogatory way to describe the way someone talks just to be talking, and not to actually debate a topic or say something that matters. --- Can be expanded to: Ear-Listening, Foot-Walking, Eye-Looking, usu., without an object (intransitive).
Older English word meaning "coward". Just plain funny, and much shorter than pusillanimous, which I also use when i'm REALLY trying to make someone look stupid.
Meaning dumbass, but a lot more wry. This word is being picked up more and more on political message boards, I've noticed. It's the perfect word for foreigners or other people with limited English skills yet run their mouth about politics, religion, etc.
"Daft" (not to be confused with DEFT):
Also meaning, basically, an idiot, but in the form of an adjective.
'Truthfully', but more powerful. When someone says "Truthfully", it is literally saying "This is full of truths", but it also implies that it is not the COMPLETE truth. 'Verily' on the other hand transcends this distinction.
"Of the Enlightened"
This is an adjectival phrase i use to describe people who run around pretending that, because they have renounced Christianity and set out on their own, that they are somehow above other people. Their favorite word to use is "brainwashed", because they believe it is (or should be) `common sense' to believe everyone ought to be 100% equal, that Doctors should get paid the same as Cashiers, etc. Commie talk.
When you see any of these things being used, just pop back open this thread and you'll see what I `really' mean.
Anyone else have any favorite buzzwords, phrases, etc.? Let them be known.
If you've heard the phrase "You're talking, but you ain't SAYING shit", then you already know what mouth-talking is supposed to mean. Its meant to be a very derogatory way to describe the way someone talks just to be talking, and not to actually debate a topic or say something that matters. --- Can be expanded to: Ear-Listening, Foot-Walking, Eye-Looking, usu., without an object (intransitive).
Older English word meaning "coward". Just plain funny, and much shorter than pusillanimous, which I also use when i'm REALLY trying to make someone look stupid.
Meaning dumbass, but a lot more wry. This word is being picked up more and more on political message boards, I've noticed. It's the perfect word for foreigners or other people with limited English skills yet run their mouth about politics, religion, etc.
"Daft" (not to be confused with DEFT):
Also meaning, basically, an idiot, but in the form of an adjective.
'Truthfully', but more powerful. When someone says "Truthfully", it is literally saying "This is full of truths", but it also implies that it is not the COMPLETE truth. 'Verily' on the other hand transcends this distinction.
"Of the Enlightened"
This is an adjectival phrase i use to describe people who run around pretending that, because they have renounced Christianity and set out on their own, that they are somehow above other people. Their favorite word to use is "brainwashed", because they believe it is (or should be) `common sense' to believe everyone ought to be 100% equal, that Doctors should get paid the same as Cashiers, etc. Commie talk.
When you see any of these things being used, just pop back open this thread and you'll see what I `really' mean.
Anyone else have any favorite buzzwords, phrases, etc.? Let them be known.