Gender and Gender identification are unrelated to each other. Yes, if you have a penis you probably got more testosterone than estrogen but this is not always the case. Some men have very low levels of testosterone and this does effeminate and affect them on an emotional level.
If you listened to the radio show I linked you will see how quickly a person can go from feeling like a man to feeling like a woman and vice versa. How quickly a former feminist can find herself objectifying women and checking out their asses n shit, even when it goes against her/his philosophy.
This information is out and accessible to everyone interested in this topic.
If you listened to the radio show I linked you will see how quickly a person can go from feeling like a man to feeling like a woman and vice versa. How quickly a former feminist can find herself objectifying women and checking out their asses n shit, even when it goes against her/his philosophy.
This information is out and accessible to everyone interested in this topic.
kane916 and kane916