Views on Transgenders...

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Jun 21, 2016
Yes but they can choose to not talk with a lisp, not have feminine mannerisms and keep their sex lives to themselves.
So some forms of discrimination are ok? Discrimination is exactly that. You have no right to tell people how to dress or speak and you have no right to discriminate against them.

Normal behavior was established by the early humans and I guess, God or whatever created us. Males were meant to reproduce with females. Two men cannot create people no matter how much they try. If gay behavior was normal our species would have died out.

Wow. Someone is already trying to equate gay with black. A Racist is going to not like a black person (or whoever) based on their race not what they are wearing. That would otherwise be clothes-ist?
Please don't bring God into this. The argument will go off on a tangent real fast.
Jan 29, 2005
Normal behavior was established by the early humans and I guess, God or whatever created us.
lol come on man...

Males were meant to reproduce with females. Two men cannot create people no matter how much they try. If gay behavior was normal our species would have died out.
You can have different things and they are all still normal. Human beings don't have to be one or the other.

Wow. Someone is already trying to equate gay with black. A Racist is going to not like a black person (or whoever) based on their race not what they are wearing. That would otherwise be clothes-ist?
No, I'm equating your quotes about gay people should take off their hello kitty flip flops and put on sneakers and gay people shouldn't talk with a lisp and have certain mannerisms with white people trying to tell black people how they should dress.

Who are you to tell gay people how to dress? Who are those white people to tell black people how to dress?

No, but I realize the longer we're intolerant to people solely because they're slightly different, the longer we're going to be held back as a species. Imagine if everybody got along what we could accomplish.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
see though if tomorrow you eat with a fork must you forever represent eating with a fork? Is what people stick their dick in really that important to you to even formulate an opinion as highly developed as yours? you guys worry me
If someone came up with a tool that had the same function of the fork yet was more efficient, cost effective, etc...I am sure humans would adopt it. I don't see any horse drawn carts nowadays...just cars.

I could give a shit who people stick their dick in...long as it ain't me. What I don't like is how homosexuality is being marketed to the masses as something brave/noble/cool/etc...It's going to have adverse consequences in the future, in my opinion.


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
So some forms of discrimination are ok? Discrimination is exactly that. You have no right to tell people how to dress or speak and you have no right to discriminate against them.

Please don't bring God into this. The argument will go off on a tangent real fast.
I agree that people can dress however the hell they want, but they should also understand they may be treated accordingly. If I go to a job interview wearing PJs and a football helmet, I can't complain if they don't hire me.
Jun 21, 2016
I agree that people can dress however the hell they want, but they should also understand they may be treated accordingly. If I go to a job interview wearing PJs and a football helmet, I can't complain if they don't hire me.
Legally, it's discrimination. PJs and a helmet might be part of a new religion. He/She must have one dope Resume to be coming to an interview like that.
Dec 3, 2016
I think it just comes down to the basics that everyone should have equal rights regardless of gender or sexual preference or whatever. You have every right to raise your kids as you wish as well, the only thing we should all strive to do is respect others as long as we get that same respect back. This world will never be perfect but I will never be that person that treats someone different because their choices are different from mine. In the end, we all die. I do think about the kids growing up in this world today, how confused they can be when they see certain things. I think all we can really do is raise our kids to be kind and respectful but also let them know they will see some things that don't make sense.
Jul 9, 2007
Everyone is all for "they are born that way". You know who else is born that way? Fucking child molesters and serial killers! So where do we really draw the line? Transgender and gay people are just born that way so that makes it not abnormal? Why is that mental illness ok but not the others?
Jan 29, 2005
Everyone is all for "they are born that way". You know who else is born that way? Fucking child molesters and serial killers! So where do we really draw the line? Transgender and gay people are just born that way so that makes it not abnormal? Why is that mental illness ok but not the others?
You're the one choosing to say it's a mental illness and lumping it in with child molesters and serial killers....

Who are you to judge it as a mental illness?
Jul 9, 2007
I say so because any other disorder you are born with is just taken as that. A disorder or what I called it a "mental illness".

Who are you to judge that a transgender is not just suffering from a mental illness?
Props: T.C and T.C
Jan 29, 2005
I say so because any other disorder you are born with is just taken as that. A disorder or what I called it a "mental illness".
Who are you to say it's a disorder? lol

Who are you to judge that a transgender is not just suffering from a mental illness?
I don't claim anything in this post as fact, you claim "fact". I've read studies on the subject that I agree with that look at the environment transgender people grow up in and the support systems in place. Transgender people and gay people who grow up with supportive people in their lives usually end up without severe depression or other mental illness

Meanwhile the studies I've read on the subject that say it's a mental illness use the fact that transgenders have a higher depression rate and suicide rate than "normal" people as their basis for it being a mental illness, yet these studies never look at the environment transgenders who have mental illness such as depression were brought up in. Generally they grow up in environments where they were treated like dog shit their entire life for being transgender.

You know who else gets depression and some even commit suicide after being treated like shit their entire lives? "Normal" people...


Feb 16, 2006
If you have a XY chromosome and you identify as a women or XX chromosome and identify as a man it's either a mental disorder/ brain chemistry disorder or a hormone deficiency.

As much time as I've spent in San Fransisco all the transgenders I've came across are not mentally stable. Blaming it on society is a fallacy, it's impossible to know each and every individuals personal experiences with strangers.

Take gender identifying clothes ....why does a man want to dress like a woman? To be sexy to other men? If sex is the motive it's a mental disorder. Does a man who identifys as a woman want to have a baby ? No matter what a man does he will never be able to have a baby so that motive isn't plausible and if it is the case it's an obvious mental disorder.

There's obviously some kind of deep seeded mental issues going on with transgender people or more of the population would be trans and just a tiny percentage.

How many trans people can you name that are known as great thinkers, innovators, teachers, or anything that advances us further as humans ?


Sicc OG
Jul 22, 2003
You're the one choosing to say it's a mental illness and lumping it in with child molesters and serial killers....

Who are you to judge it as a mental illness?
But it IS a mental illness. It has its own ICD code. Whether you believe it is or not is your choice. Hell, there are people on this planet who believe HIV/AIDS isn't a real disease...
Jan 29, 2005
But it IS a mental illness. It has its own ICD code. Whether you believe it is or not is your choice. Hell, there are people on this planet who believe HIV/AIDS isn't a real disease...
It won't have an ICD code in May 2018...

The last time ICD codes were revised was 1990

Transgender identity is considered a mental illness by WHO. But that may soon change. - Chicago Tribune

SF is one of the most tolerant places in the world and look at the trans people there you can tell they have mental issues/problems.
SF is tolerant so that means they weren't personally treated like shit by parents, kids at school, people at their workplaces etc?