^ They never called it a "rave" themselves, thats the media and the public (i.e. most outsiders) word. It was a large Drum and Bass party, a genre of music I personally love and would never associate it with any sort of candy raver shit.
If you think public events should be shut down because there 'may' be drugs present on individuals within, holy shit Im glad you arent running the country, or anything for that matter. Thats the most blasphemous fucking crap I've ever personally heard. Your opinions have been crushed and skewed beyond any sort of legitimate, cohesive thinking, and you need to rethink them in my opinion.
Let's say a club is operating fine with no problems, and none of the people inside 'yet' have any sort of illegal substances on them. A few minutes later, one single guy walks in who has a few pills of E or a few grams of weed on him, and he's willing to share with friends. The club remains to run at a proficient and safe level, the only difference is that there might be a few individuals that have altered their mind states slightly, by choice. No harm comes from it.
In YOUR explanation of the situation, you think that because there is a slight chemical-change within the venue, it needs to be shut down and closed. Even though there is NO way the security could have found drugs on the admitted person(s). I get through any club or rave with ANYTHING I want, always. It's not like they can grab you whereever they want.
Anyway, if the world was run in that fashion, we would live in a fucked up society where every single right we have been given would be stripped away instantly. Fuck that. You're incorrect.