hahahahaha@ you "waiting for my reply."
You probably sittin' there and shit, refreshing this page of this thread 20 times a day. I bet you put this page in your favorites, going here as SOON as you get online.
You are wack man. You are some corny nerd who is obsessed with cum stains. There is NOTHING more I can say about you. I wish I could, but the "one asshole on the message board" thing has been done OVER and OVER again. hiphopinfinity, SOHH, soundcircuit, krib.com (RIP), onthegrind.... they all got their assholes and BETTER ones at that.
man... the list goes on.
the point of internet beef is to be FUNNY with the shit. because quite frankly, you aren't gonna do anything but talk SHIT (even though I heard you said you were gonna come to E. STL and "beat anybody's ass cuz you're not afraid of anyone"

) and get people to respond to you.
the best way to "deal" with you is NOT respond, and watch how flustered you get
(ie - replying to the thread again to bump it to the top, asking where I'm at)
bye! no more replies for youuuu!:eyecross:
again, hahahahaha@ you "waiting for my reply."