HAHA.....I was going to stay out of it....but since you thought it was neccessary to bring me in.....*jumps into thread* here i am!
Hey Nick... Learn to take a fuckin' joke you fuckin' crybaby.
I used to think you were funny....then i saw you use the same material over and over again.
Yeah, like the time I humiliated MasZive, Heat, JLMACN, and Ville by posting edited pictures of them drooling other mens semen right? Yeah I guess you're correct.
You're a phase....people will get over you im sure of it.
You might have been able to say that a year and a half ago, but yet... Here I am! "You're a phase".. Dude you sound like a heartbroken x-boyfriend talking to your loves new guy. It's kind of sad really.
What the fuck you have against Chunk anyways?
It's obviously just someone having fun....if you cant find humor in it.....don't shit on others' parade.
Didn't have anything against him untill every time I got a mail mentioning a response on a thread, I'd go to it and it would be chunk goin' "Feed me cookie". Fuckin' stupid.
I find it greatly amusing that you view Chunk as a threat. Asking him if he lives in NY.....you're a goddamn assclown zero. stick to the lame jokes that you're good at.
I find it greatly amusing that you assume some kid from a message board who just showed up is somehow a "threat" to me. Stick to jackin' lines from Chris Jericho Nick, it's what you're.... decent at.
cause fact is.....more people have laughed at his fat ass in one day than at any of your antics. but you shouldn't feel threatened...its just a character that will probablly fade away in due time like all the others....at which point you can go back to being public enemy #1.
I'm not public enemy #1 on anyone's list but yours. You're speaking for yourself, and frankly Nick... I laughed harder than everyone laughed at Chunk total when I was scribbling the jizz dripping from your lips, and I think everyone but you will have a good chuckle just reading this sentence and thinking of it.
I smell pussy
Is that you Nick?
I smell pussy...
Why do you keep trying Nick? Everyone knows that even if I just sat back and just called
myself gay, you'd still lose every argument with me, and that's
before they consider the fact that you got humiliated with your own pics.
Is that you T9HQ?