TWISM: This Week In Strange Music

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Oct 6, 2002
Okay I am on the way to the store for candy and all the other requested shit! You guys are all a bunch of spoiled little brats and I do not know why I put up with any of you. LOL

Oh and Steve it was no problem, I would have wanted it back if I had paid for it.

Did I tell you all thanks to all that showed up on sunday and to those of you that I did not have the chance to invite I am really sorry, I never meant to forget anyone. I actually told the guys to spread the word but it was kinda hard since Travis is always around and I can not keep a secret from him to save my soul. I have to buy his presents as close to the day as possible or I will give them to him early.

Nick you are correct love must be blind cause he even held my hair! What a guy.
Nov 14, 2002
Yeah, you're stealing all of the "I post irrelivant bullshit" thunder away from me.

If I didn't know better I'd say you were either Tafort, or Lej0_Bitch due to your idiotic assumption that your cake eatin' self is stealing thunder by spamming every single thread with shitty downs syndrom laced one liners.

Zer0 says: Steal that thunder, bitch.
Jan 12, 2003
man, that chunk pic is fuckin killer!!!!!!!

when u made your one post sayingin I WANT COOKIES, and then all we see is chunks gay ass grin, thats fuckin awesome!! lol

And zero, whats up w/ that sig?
Aug 8, 2002
STRANGE7 said:

Did I tell you all thanks to all that showed up on sunday and to those of you that I did not have the chance to invite I am really sorry, I never meant to forget anyone. I actually told the guys to spread the word but it was kinda hard since Travis is always around and I can not keep a secret from him to save my soul. I have to buy his presents as close to the day as possible or I will give them to him early.
Shit thanks for inviting was a great time had by all.

NOW.....when is YOUR birthday party? Let's see what you're made of with those Tequilla shots!
Nov 14, 2002
You remind me of Brand. You're not funny. And you're a dickhead.

Go kill yourself with a rusty screwdriver.
Are you in Astoria, in NY? If so maybe we could meet up for that rusty screwdriver thing and you can do it yourself. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

You remind me of TechN9neHQ on another name... Claiming I'm not funny when at least 10 of your friends would disagree to your face, and unfortunately that's not even the issue. Your sig pic is aggrivating, ALREADY, and you need to learn how to stop posting nonsense on every thread just to get your post count up.

Trust me, you'll learn quick. I won't even have to do anything. And if you're one of the two punks I think you might be, then you probably know what I'm talking about. It's funny, my "useless moron" alarm only goes off when necessary.

Wh00t! Wh00t!
Aug 8, 2002
Zer0.MediA said:

Your sig pic is aggrivating, ALREADY, and you need to learn how to stop posting nonsense on every thread just to get your post count up.

hmmmm.......sounds like someone I know :rolleyes:

HAHA.....I was going to stay out of it....but since you thought it was neccessary to bring me in.....*jumps into thread* here i am!

I used to think you were funny....then i saw you use the same material over and over again.

You're a phase....people will get over you im sure of it.

What the fuck you have against Chunk anyways?

It's obviously just someone having fun....if you cant find humor in it.....don't shit on others' parade.

I find it greatly amusing that you view Chunk as a threat. Asking him if he lives in're a goddamn assclown zero. stick to the lame jokes that you're good at.

cause fact is.....more people have laughed at his fat ass in one day than at any of your antics. but you shouldn't feel threatened...its just a character that will probablly fade away in due time like all the which point you can go back to being public enemy #1.
Nov 14, 2002
HAHA.....I was going to stay out of it....but since you thought it was neccessary to bring me in.....*jumps into thread* here i am!
Hey Nick... Learn to take a fuckin' joke you fuckin' crybaby.

I used to think you were funny....then i saw you use the same material over and over again.
Yeah, like the time I humiliated MasZive, Heat, JLMACN, and Ville by posting edited pictures of them drooling other mens semen right? Yeah I guess you're correct.

You're a phase....people will get over you im sure of it.
You might have been able to say that a year and a half ago, but yet... Here I am! "You're a phase".. Dude you sound like a heartbroken x-boyfriend talking to your loves new guy. It's kind of sad really.

What the fuck you have against Chunk anyways?

It's obviously just someone having fun....if you cant find humor in it.....don't shit on others' parade.
Didn't have anything against him untill every time I got a mail mentioning a response on a thread, I'd go to it and it would be chunk goin' "Feed me cookie". Fuckin' stupid.

I find it greatly amusing that you view Chunk as a threat. Asking him if he lives in're a goddamn assclown zero. stick to the lame jokes that you're good at.
I find it greatly amusing that you assume some kid from a message board who just showed up is somehow a "threat" to me. Stick to jackin' lines from Chris Jericho Nick, it's what you're.... decent at.

cause fact is.....more people have laughed at his fat ass in one day than at any of your antics. but you shouldn't feel threatened...its just a character that will probablly fade away in due time like all the which point you can go back to being public enemy #1.
I'm not public enemy #1 on anyone's list but yours. You're speaking for yourself, and frankly Nick... I laughed harder than everyone laughed at Chunk total when I was scribbling the jizz dripping from your lips, and I think everyone but you will have a good chuckle just reading this sentence and thinking of it.

I smell pussy
Is that you Nick?
I smell pussy...

Why do you keep trying Nick? Everyone knows that even if I just sat back and just called myself gay, you'd still lose every argument with me, and that's before they consider the fact that you got humiliated with your own pics.

Is that you T9HQ?
Nov 14, 2002
blah blah blah blah blah blah...
Thanks for breaking down what you would usually say into what I usually hear so I don't have to bother.

jacking lines from chris jerrico? sorry not everyone watches wrestling 10 hours a week or enough to know what the fuck you're talkin about...
And that's why you know who Chris Jericho is right? And I'm sure you came up with "assclown" by yourself...

anyways, the fact that you had this thread set up for email notification only proves one have nothing better to do with your life....and your desolate existance is only rivaled by your insatiable need to imagine men sucking your dick....BITCH!
I'll just let everyone read what you just said so they can decide for themselves how worthless your comments are. Sure, I clicked the "email notification" box in my profile when I signed up... Guess you got me there.

Yes got was funny.....good job....i should have STRANGE7 send you another batch of cookies.
If you were in charge of her, you should do something like that, but you aren't are you? Nooooooope. Nice that you bring something like that up on another website where she probably won't see it though.

But you went too far with the ICP likeness pic......that, my friend, you will pay dearly for.
Thanks for the tip... I'll make up more.

Chunk is should kill yourself with a rusty that would be a funny picture!
Yeah, and if my balls were showing in the pic, you could jack to it also!

If you say so...
Jul 1, 2003
Zer0.MediA said:

Are you in Astoria, in NY? If so maybe we could meet up for that rusty screwdriver thing and you can do it yourself. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

You remind me of TechN9neHQ on another name... Claiming I'm not funny when at least 10 of your friends would disagree to your face, and unfortunately that's not even the issue. Your sig pic is aggrivating, ALREADY, and you need to learn how to stop posting nonsense on every thread just to get your post count up.

Trust me, you'll learn quick. I won't even have to do anything. And if you're one of the two punks I think you might be, then you probably know what I'm talking about. It's funny, my "useless moron" alarm only goes off when necessary.

Wh00t! Wh00t!
It's Astoria, OR you asshole. You know I would kick your ass up and down the Goondocks and then do the Truffle Shuffle to show you up. So don't step to me kid!

Oh God am I depressed