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Nov 14, 2002
After doing some "research" I've found that the only things that are written about it are in reference to Micheal Moore's writing.

"I am not a great Michael Moore fan. I almost am – he’s wonderfully talented and funny, and his passion and energy are admirable. But unlike Dave Barry, whose exaggerations and flights of fancy are so wonderfully wild that only the dimmest wit could miss them, my sense is that Michael Moore strays from fairness in ways that the average reader could easily miss. So maybe he’s done that in the passage above. But what’s scary to me about the Bush administration and the long-time influence of the tobacco industry on the Republican Party (with a few tobacco-state Democrats thrown in) is that this story has the ring of truth.

Wouldn’t you be curious to know for sure?"

"Since the events of 9/11 there has been a list of objects banned from planes. We have all had a ironic chuckle as a 60 year old man has his toenail clippers taken from him, or reading about how leaf blowers are now banned (no more gardening at 30,000 feet for you).
Furthermore there has only been one almost successful follow up attack by Richard Reed who tried to light a bomb in his shoe. Reed used a lighter. Lighters are not on the list of banned materials.

So why is the name of everything holy, is the only object used in a followup terrorist attempt, just about the only item not on that otherwise rediculously comprehensive list?

It was. And the Tobacco Industry lobbied the Bush and the administration to let people (who can't even smoke on planes anyhow) take their lighters and matches on board so as they could light up right away upon arrival.

Read more here"

Guess where "here" goes..

I have yet to find any evidence that this is true other than unsubstantiated quote from a "young man" on an idiots website.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
i hardly think he's an idiot. he's more successful, and will always be more successful than you could ever hope to be. and as i said, i have read it in several newspapers. regardless of what you think, not everything can be found on the net
Nov 14, 2002
I too hope to be boo'd off a stage by my peers. And while not everything can be found on the net, I'd like to know why everything that is found is in reference to what he wrote. Perhaps, what you read in your little newspapers, was just direct OPINION regarding baseless claims by an oaf with a camera crew and too much free time on his hands.

So I can't find anything but a website based on opinion, and opinions based on this guys opinions... And in the opinions of opinions, I still have yet to see any direct quotes (other than Migheal Moore's) and can't find any names (other than Micheal Moore's) to substantiate these claims.

This is the dopiest thing I've ever heard. It doesn't even make sense. It's just something for you anti-american crazy fucks to cling to, and you're doing it without any factual basis other than a documentary makers opinions, and in case you haven't noticed, it's in his best interest to keep this shit storm around him flying so he can sell more video tapes.

i hardly think he's an idiot. he's more successful, and will always be more successful than you could ever hope to be.
So is Lance Bass.... The spacemonkey. So is Flipper.

::insert graphic of george bush turning into flipper::
^ ^
Need I say more?


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
Zer0.MediA said:
I too hope to be boo'd off a stage by my peers.
only a handful of his peers were booing him... you must have missed the part where they gave him a standing ovation, and just to explain it to you, that's not something they do if they don't like you or your views. and how is saying that the tobacco companies successfully lobbied to get matches and lighters on a plane anti-american? lobbying happens everyday. just like the oil companies successfully lobbied to allow drilling in national parks in alaska, or maybe cutting $844 million from veterans, which by the way, is a great way to support the troops.
Nov 14, 2002
only a handful of his peers were booing him... you must have missed the part where they gave him a standing ovation, and just to explain it to you, that's not something they do if they don't like you or your views.
Yeah I suppose I did miss that part. They must have played it during the commercials... LoL. That fat idiot made an ass of himself, and I don't even particularly dislike the guy.

"3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr. Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them." he scribbled in a letter to the President...

1. Who uses this number format in a formal letter to the president?
2. When did I lose my American citizenship? I'm not against him, so I guess that means I'm from Mars.

This guy is on another planet. How can the whole world be against President Bush when much more than half the countries who had the ablility to do so, were in full support of our actions?

Maybe because the whole world of Planet Moore in which the moons revolve around him, is against the war. Unfortunately, the climate of planet Moore is too warm and moist to be inhabited by ordinary humans so while he's there, I and the rest of us will stay here on the ground and try to keep our heads from inflating like his so we don't float away.

"In Starting a Ruckus Was the Right Thing to Do, Michael Moore talks about his controversial Oscar Awards speech. "It all turned into one humongous cacophony of yells. And all I'm thinking is: Hey, I put on a tux for this?"

just like the oil companies successfully lobbied to allow drilling in national parks in alaska, or maybe cutting $844 million from veterans, which by the way, is a great way to support the troops.
Why shouldn't we drill oil in Alaska? What the fuck else is Alaska good for? Maybe if we did more drilling there, then we wouldn't have had to start a war in Iraq for oil... After all, that's all we were there for right?

Spitting claims left and right without any facts (which you seem to be good at) isn't helping anyone. Sure, you can tell me to go do research now, but seeing as how you're the one trying to prove the point, that would be your place in this conversation. Last time I did research on these claims all I found were rediculous opinions and a bunch of Micheal Moore groupies.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
what facts am i not saying? the FACT that lobbying takes place everyday? That's just common sense son.

and can you please find "the proper way to write a letter to the president"?

and it wasn't on during the commercials... they showed it clear as day.

\and by him saying the fellow americans were against him was him saying that there were more than just a few americans in protest to his so-called war. not to mention the fact that the MAJORITY of americans didn't vote for him

why not drill in alaska? ok, you got me there, but in that case, let's blow up new york. who needs the piss smelled subways, rampant prostitution, crime, and cabbies

and did you notice that most of the countried were against us, well the ones that don't need us for any kind of aide, minud england, but that's because blair was too busy sucking bush's cock to object. ask the majority of britons, they were against it


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
anyway, this is the strange forum, if you want to continue, go to the gathering of the minds forum and create a topic
Nov 14, 2002
who needs the piss smelled subways, rampant prostitution, crime, and cabbies
You've never been to new york have you?

what facts am i not saying? the FACT that lobbying takes place everyday? That's just common sense son.
The facts that validate any of this actually happened, pops.

and by him saying the fellow americans were against him was him saying that there were more than just a few americans in protest to his so-called war. not to mention the fact that the MAJORITY of americans didn't vote for him
Actually you'll find that most presidential winners don't get a majority of the votes. When Perot ran back in the day against Bush and Clinton, he caused Bush the race. If you add all the numbers together, most people didn't vote for Clinton, but he still won. Strange huh?

I guess it must be a vast right wing conspiracy perpetrated by people like me and talk radio hosts.


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
alright, if you want to continue it here, then let's go

yes i have been to new york... greatest city my ass

and i told you i had read it many newspapers, and no i don't save newspapers that are many months old, you have yet to disprove these facts

and because our two party system makes it near impossible for a third party to win, you look at the two major candidates. the majority does win, unless you happen to have the election fixed (that's a whole nother topic) so clinton did have the majority over poppy bush

once again you have yet to say anything intellegent or relevant. so keep yapping if you want, but like i said, this is a strange forum, take it to gotm if you want to lose....errrr... debate
Nov 14, 2002
yes i have been to new york... greatest city my ass
Gee, the usual "I have no clue what to do now, I'll insult where he's from" bullshit. Real slick, Slicky. Next time terrorists care enough about St. Louis to even spit on the streets there, you let me know.

and i told you i had read it many newspapers, and no i don't save newspapers that are many months old, you have yet to disprove these facts
What you can't seem to get through your pathetically thick skull, is that there are no facts to disprove. You're talking about editorial comments. And you have yet to prove anything you've said other than to go "I read it in a paper". Well I'm reading online that you're an idiot.

"Shep is an idiot", I was told by a young man.

Shit, it must be fact whether I can prove it or not with basic evidence like quotes, stories, or names.

once again you have yet to say anything intellegent or relevant.
Of course not... Because there's nothing intelligent to reply to. I say "Can you provide some facts to back up your statements?", and you say "No".

Good conversational and debate skills...

Good day.
Aug 19, 2002
shep said:
and because our two party system makes it near impossible for a third party to win, you look at the two major candidates. the majority does win, unless you happen to have the election fixed (that's a whole nother topic) so clinton did have the majority over poppy bush
Perhaps you're familiar w/ the term plurality?


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
and your not getting it through your pathetic skull that i did not read it in an editorial, but articles. is it so hard for you to believe that lobbying takes place. that the interests of corporations and special interest groups are more important than the american public, which for the most part doesn't care enough to vote, or care what happens in the government?