my only problem is that i owe quite a bit of back pay,..but i been paying my shit lately,..there aint no work out here so i had to make my own way to make rent by getting into the storage aution business!,..i make good money but dont make or file taxes!,..but i keep reciepts and i get my daughter often,but not enough time for wut im paying!..i keep telling baby momma to go work something out for mediation or visitation but she just ignores it and starts to act like its gonna start to be a problem, now im starting to be like fuck her then she had her chance!...i did the parenting class a while back,so now im thinking of going to the other class to start the paper work to get my daughter on weekends!...BUUTT my baby momma on the other hand,..has no job, has her tweeker parole mother living with her; her lil brothers a parole too, momma earlier this year got put on probation for lying to police for her convict bf,cuz he wreck her car and ran and she said it wus stolen,. then while on probation,she got a d.u.i and got her license suspended and right now shes going to a/a and all that shit!,..i just wonder tho,if i go thru wit it ,by the time the paperwork go thru,shes gonna be done with all her a/a class bullshit and ruin it for me,..but then again,im thinking thats on her record,so i aint worried about it too much,cuz either way they gonna see how shes living,.i aint had no police contact since 97 been off probation since 02!...everytime i go to pick up my daughter,i have my camera phone ready in case i can get a good shot in when she aint around,cuz she lives like a fucking nasty slob!...her car is always filthy too and i got a nice lil pic collection going! hopefully soon too,i can get my daughter to live with me cuz that bitch is living fucking foul!,.and i agree,finacially set dont mean shit if the parent isnt teaching good values and keeping their kid in a good healthy enviroment!...but yet,like u guys said,..they slanted on us dads and dont hardly trip on them pig bitches!! FAWKKK!