to all BARRY HATERZ....

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May 19, 2002
Yo tone, are u sayin its worse to use a corked bat then to use steoroids???? Please tell me!! Plus we dont know that Barry aint use a cork bat before!! Regardless whether yall like him or not, bottom line...he is a steoroid freak!!! GOT EM!!!
May 8, 2002
Yo tone, are u sayin its worse to use a corked bat then to use steoroids???? Please tell me!! Plus we dont know that Barry aint use a cork bat before!! Regardless whether yall like him or not, bottom line...he is a steoroid freak!!! GOT EM!!!
Let me put it this way! The minute anyone sees a yoked up nigga they assume it's steoroids right away. Give the playa some credit for what he has done in his career! The man has power and even when he came in the league as a skinny mo fo he was still hittin it out the park! And yes it is worse to use a corked bad if you are a Barry Bonds or Sammy Sosa type of player. The biggest hatred that ya'll have about Barry is that he aint on your team!
May 8, 2002
BAMMER said:
drug test baseball!!!!!

Barry is a great player,but he's a steroid freak.....just look at his veins in his arms,and his baggy ass uni that hides his definition.

Facts homie Facts!......this is only an opinion! And if he is usin roids give him some credit for never being caught!
Aug 26, 2002
Czar, idiot.....u little homo ass with your Got'em at end of all your beef hit the email, hit the pm.................u Bay area boys are sensitive like virgin pussy
Mar 18, 2003
Here is the post I made on the last thread this was brought up in, which all of you ducked.

Nitro the Guru said:
Im sure there are players using illegal steroids, but just because bonds is hitting homeruns like he does, surely does not mean he is taking them. I understand that he is a little old to be hitting 73 homeruns, but are you guys aware of the lagal suppliments that are available over the counter? Bonds told the press of numerous suppliments he was taking, some of the same ones McGwire was using. There is shit out there, that will strengthin a man just as much as steroids, some that they starting banning because of how potent they were. I have seen first hand what these suppliments can do, my friend takes them, and if you saw what he looks like, you would swear he takes steroids. He just takes numerous legal products, works out 3-5 times a week, and eats like a bird. Perhaps Bonds is taking steroids, I can't tell you, and none of us are in any position to say, but don't think just because he is one of the biggest power-hitters ever, that he is taking that shit. You know, he did hit .370 last year.
May 19, 2002
Uo jesse u dont exist to me!! U are a peasant in my world!! Why would I have beef idiot!! I dont beef with squirrels!! Keep your illiterate opinions to your self!! Come to the bay and say that same shit!! Anyway the pattern here is all the Midgets fans are sayin he aint taken steoroids while the rest of us are sayin he is!! Figure it would go like that!! Denial is a bitch, especially when the obvious is in your face!! Bonds could have played the Hulk!! Hahaha!! GOT EM!!!
Mar 18, 2003
I never said he wasn't takin steroids, im just wondering why you all say he does. Its more like all the Barry haters say he's on roids, and all the Barry fans are questioning your guys' opinions, not denying the possibility.
Jul 3, 2002
Until its proven, everything your saying is just an assumption. If he failed a drug test we would all know. The only reason Barry is accused so much is because of what hes doing. There are plenty of other huge players in the league.