Damn some of yall better let Barry's nuts go!!! Nitro agrreing that Bonds is good, then sayin he is the greatest is two different things!! Ofcourse the man is good, but he aint the greatest, and he never will be no matter what!! Ruth will always be the greatest baseball player!!! Yall frisco fans can keep sayin that Barry is the greatest, thats on yall!! Thats what u call biasness!! U can try to reverse ot but it aint happening!! And as for Sheffield this is the last time I will comment to clear this up again, I was only makin a comment based off what Shemp said!! If yall cant see that, then sorry for ya!! We all have oir opinions, and while Barry is one of the best today, he will never be the greatest of alltime!! And nicoya I havnt heard not one analyst say Barry is the greatest of alltime so dont put out false info!! and nitro I thought u dont go by what other people say?? Hahaha!! Contradiction here huh!! Form your own opinion!! Sorry deal with it Barry fans!! GOT EM!!!!