although he used the word loan like he was planning on payin it back lol
man that made me think of this one time... a while back there was some dude standing in front of my house when I got home, asking if he could borrow $40
I was like... wtf dude, I don't even know you, why would I let you borrow 40 bucks?
he said, I swear I'm good for it... I'll pay you back on Wednesday
then he said he was just at my neighbors house or some shit
I said, so why don't you borrow money from them?
he just started stuttering and said... man I swear I'm good for it, just let me 40 bucks
I laughed at him and went inside
but dude had a car parked out front and everything... he hopped in his car and bounced... it was the weirdest shit ever
cool story bro