The Wall Street crisis and the failure of American capitalism

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Oct 6, 2005
Hopefully things do become "insane". If the economy collapses hopefully the entire system of capitalism is destroyed right along with it. If that happened no one would have to stand in line for a single loaf of bread because the working class would own the entire baking factory.
I knew that's where you communists were going with this "economic collapse" foolishness... Ya'll are all ideology and theory... Where (and when) in the world has that shit ever TRULY worked...?
May 13, 2002
I knew that's where you communists were going with this "economic collapse" foolishness... Ya'll are all ideology and theory... Where (and when) in the world has that shit ever TRULY worked...?
And capitalism is working great isn't it? Over half the planet is living in poverty as a direct result of Capitalism.

Capitalism is destroying the planet and societies across the globe and this is something we want to save?? Fuck no!

Like I said, the sooner the better. Further, it was bound to crash here eventually anyways, it's the inevitable.
Nov 20, 2005
Since the eruption of the current crisis, there have no been serious congressional hearings,

Lenders to FHA: Thanks but no thanks for your help
Testifying before Congress, lenders praised the FHA's foreclosure prevention program but indicated that they'd prefer to handle their own mortgage workouts.
Apr 8, 2004
I knew that's where you communists were going with this "economic collapse" foolishness... Ya'll are all ideology and theory... Where (and when) in the world has that shit ever TRULY worked...?
You do know there are different economic systems in between Communism and Capitalism don't you? Just something to take into consideration before you start labeling people.

If you ask the average American what they know about Communism, Socialism, etc.. they know absolutely nothing but what American has told them. They talk about freedom, but they have no knowledge of other alternatives, so in reality they're not actually free. America waves the dollar in your face, and tells you that if you educate yourself and work hard you can obtain this, all the while you're supporting a system that alienates and exploits the hell out of you.

Here's a news for you if you weren't aware of it....Capitalism destroys societies, as well as the creates proverty, and inequalities in regards to classism, racism, and all kind of other "ism" so om reality Capitalism has never truly worked, unless you're part of the privledged few, and the majority of people across the globe are not part of this group.
Oct 6, 2005
You do know there are different economic systems in between Communism and Capitalism don't you? Just something to take into consideration before you start labeling people.

If you ask the average American what they know about Communism, Socialism, etc.. they know absolutely nothing but what American has told them. They talk about freedom, but they have no knowledge of other alternatives, so in reality they're not actually free. America waves the dollar in your face, and tells you that if you educate yourself and work hard you can obtain this, all the while you're supporting a system that alienates and exploits the hell out of you.

Here's a news for you if you weren't aware of it....Capitalism destroys societies, as well as the creates proverty, and inequalities in regards to classism, racism, and all kind of other "ism" so om reality Capitalism has never truly worked, unless you're part of the privledged few, and the majority of people across the globe are not part of this group.
I am aware of varying economic systems... And shouldn't have assumed you were a Communist... My mistake... But you're hoping for an "economic collapse" to bring about the end of Capitalism in the U.S. and haven't even offered an "alternative" model... So if Capitalism is the root of all evil, and needs to be done away with, what do you suggest take it's place...?
Mar 4, 2007
why do we need alternative 'system'?
why can't we just fucking live lol.

learn how to make things, start farming, and learn how to properly kill animals in order to survive, if you don't wanna, be prepared to pass along with the rest of the others into what ever dimension you want to call it.

anarchy and family-based communities have and will survive....
plus i'm not scared to die, so if anything happens to my physical body i know i will be fine.
Sep 12, 2004
why do we need alternative 'system'?
why can't we just fucking live lol.

learn how to make things, start farming, and learn how to properly kill animals in order to survive, if you don't wanna, be prepared to pass along with the rest of the others into what ever dimension you want to call it.

anarchy and family-based communities have and will survive....
plus i'm not scared to die, so if anything happens to my physical body i know i will be fine.
lol wut
Oct 6, 2005
why do we need alternative 'system'?
why can't we just fucking live lol.

learn how to make things, start farming, and learn how to properly kill animals in order to survive, if you don't wanna, be prepared to pass along with the rest of the others into what ever dimension you want to call it.

anarchy and family-based communities have and will survive....
plus i'm not scared to die, so if anything happens to my physical body i know i will be fine.
Apr 8, 2004
I am aware of varying economic systems... And shouldn't have assumed you were a Communist... My mistake... But you're hoping for an "economic collapse" to bring about the end of Capitalism in the U.S. and haven't even offered an "alternative" model... So if Capitalism is the root of all evil, and needs to be done away with, what do you suggest take it's place...?
I don't need to offer any "specific" alternative model, and it was never my intention to give one. However, I thought I made it perfectly clear that I believed Capitalism must be destroyed, and replaced with a system that places control in the hands of the people. So that's what I suggest take the place of Capitalism. Myself and others have given you reasons why it must be destroyed, but you have yet to give a legitimate reason why it must exist other than the possibility of a Great Depression, which is not likely to happen if a true revolutionary program where community control is implemented.
Apr 8, 2004
Its bound to happen, Capitalism is going to crumble, it's inevitable....the only question is when and how, but anyone who has read any revolutionary works, most notably, that of Marx on the subject knows that we're living in the last days of Capitalism and we'll probably witness its destruction.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Do you have ANY idea how insane things would get if our economy collapsed...? Can you imagine standing in line for a single loaf of bread for 5 hours...? Ask your grandparents about the Depression era 30's... Shit was no joke...
I have news for you - there is no need to ask anybody about what standing in line for bread and other most basic necessities is like because I have been standing in these lines for the first 10 years of my life. And I am ready to bet you have no idea what it is to have no electricity or water for most of the day.

And what type of "stable society" do you imagine would be established after a collapse...? 'Cause the reality is even after the Depression we went right back to the same ol' model...
Any stable society will have to be one that does not ignore the basic physical realities of the world we live in. I can go on and describe you in great details what the only stable society I can envision would look like, but there is no point because it will never happen.

It is enough to know that a planetary civilization has only one chance to develop and survive for a long period of time on any given planet because the worse its collapse, the less resources are left for a new civilization to arise from the ashes. In other words, you either create a sustainable society on a planetary scale the first time or you overshoot, collapse and that's it.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
And capitalism is working great isn't it? Over half the planet is living in poverty as a direct result of Capitalism.

Capitalism is destroying the planet and societies across the globe and this is something we want to save?? Fuck no!

Like I said, the sooner the better. Further, it was bound to crash here eventually anyways, it's the inevitable.
This is true, but Communism is destroying the planet too. Both communism and capitalism are growth-based, both ignore the simple fact that indefinite growth is impossible. So it is in no way a more stable kind of society.

By the way, I don't think there exists a good social system; the problem with all of them is their inability to cope with the tragedy of the commons. I had a long post some time ago where I explained why any system you can imagine is bound to collapse because of that, I don't think that many people read it so I will try to find it and post it again


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
why do we need alternative 'system'?
why can't we just fucking live lol.

learn how to make things, start farming, and learn how to properly kill animals in order to survive, if you don't wanna, be prepared to pass along with the rest of the others into what ever dimension you want to call it.

anarchy and family-based communities have and will survive....
plus i'm not scared to die, so if anything happens to my physical body i know i will be fine.
Small communities will probably be what survives the collapse, that's true

But small communities can never be a basis for a civilization that is colonizing space or anything of that scale

Which is exactly why I say that civilization is a one-shot affair and if the Earth misses its chance this time, its done forever