You know... I would have to say yes!!... That new gang law and street terroist act stuff have niccas switching up in a hurry, but all undercover about it all.
Not to mention the other new law....your homie does a crime 3 blocks away and the police find you, if you're wearing gang colors or have gang tat's, your azz is going down for the crime. seen it happen already. lucky for the homie, the nicca that did do it, str8 said it was him and that was it....they let the other one go, but if he didn't say anything....gone for 20 years.
There are some down ass homies running around and i tip my hat off to them soldiers!! blue or red, stay down for your crown!...but when ya ass get busted, because you will. go down like the gangsta you represent!! and even that can be misconstrude!!... Peep!... with just about everyone, it's f the police, right??? if this is so damn true, then why the hell when niccas get busted, they ain't shooting it out with the police??? i don't mean the 1 or 2 that have done that, i'm talking about everyone that aint went down like that would be keeping it gangsta!!!.... see the police and be like, ok officer, i give... take me to jail..... being all nice and damn polite!!! but then get in the holding cell and you str8 gangsta! it!!...lmao...police come at you 5 deep talking shit, and a gang of nicccas be like...fuck that they trippin! trying to rush a nicca... ain't that about a bitch!!!!nicca you bangin, fuck tha police like any other gang you don't get along with and take flight! but of course it was all cool when it was like 10 of ya'll to like 3 of the enemy... then niccas be down as hell!! back in tha day...we use to go to the park and get our fight on with the odds being like 10 or more of them, to our 3 to 4 of us.. sure, a nicca took a few beating, but a nicca was better for it in the long run. and we use to do that every other day, to prove we we're down for the hood. figh the enemy in their hood with the odds in their favor.... we, we lose...come back to tomorrow!... aint know one taking no ass whoopin's in the 0 5, it's all about gunnin' just the way things are now. but just don't go letting no fake homie use your heat....else it will get tossed like 30 feet away, with the niccas eyes closed, talking about the police was coming (but did not accually get anywhere close to you) so i threw it........... your like, ok cool, but i know you know where you threw it, right?.....errrr ahhhh well.... ummmmmm, i forgot!....ROTFLMBAO! yeaaaaaah right! *LMAO* that ain't gangsta! consider your self demoted!...LMAO!
50's huh...yeah, that's right.....about the same time i sent yur lil can i hang out with ya'll lil azz home!...*LOL*
Diziam, and I have seen quite a few transformers as well, but then that's a whole nother thread....*LMAO*