^ Haha, why'd you keep a tally ? Sounds like a good idea. Liquor is a great investment, and its good to see the money being used for somethin positive at the end of the year.
^ Haha, why'd you keep a tally ? Sounds like a good idea. Liquor is a great investment, and its good to see the money being used for somethin positive at the end of the year.
One day I was just thinking about how much I drink and decided to actually try and figure it out. Kept a notebook and everything all separated into individual sections for beer, mixed drinks, shots, wine, etc... It was all very scientific.
At the bar I'd usually have a little piece of paper that I could mark on and then put the info in the notebook at home. Obviously sometimes I'd forget so that's why I would just round down a drink or two to keep it fair.
So if anything my stats were probably higher than reported.
1.everyday at 5 a clockpm i go to the country boy store...get me 4 tallcans of oe.a pint of hennesy...if i dont have money i get a 5th of crown...
2.I have a 19 year old baby mother while i am 23 years old..
3.I am a chef
I've smoked with Wishbone 4-5 yrs ago when he lived down the road from me.. he moved to the 'burbs so his kids could go to a good school
I go to Kent State University and get so many white chicks... fuck the raging parties and bars I just play the nice guy and hit up the local park and the corner bus stop.
Who tha fuck tries to spit game to the hot white college chicks that party?! FFFFFFFFFUCVK
i forgot to mention im a strong ass down ass educated ass black man that got a good head on his shoulders and is driven for success and aint on no ignant bps buhhshit and cant nobody fuck wit me and im drunker den tweeze right now lollol
NO its not a fuckin bitch drink like Mikes Hard.. 5% alcohol each bottle.
Anyone who aint with it hasn't tried it and everyone who drinks it loves it.. hmmmm maybe thread-worthy but some may talk the talk when they never walked the walk:knockout: