j19 Sicc OG May 18, 2011 #561 Oct 23, 2008 478 0 0 43 May 18, 2011 #561 j19 May 18, 2011 that was a nice ass kicking http://mlb.mlb.com/media/video.jsp?content_id=14908527
j19 Sicc OG May 19, 2011 #562 Oct 23, 2008 478 0 0 43 May 19, 2011 #562 j19 May 19, 2011 damm the just took it to us...time to get ready for them giants...anybody going to the games out there this weekend
damm the just took it to us...time to get ready for them giants...anybody going to the games out there this weekend
martin_07n Tachas y Perico May 19, 2011 #563 Feb 20, 2006 6,253 814 0 35 Tacos Sinaloa www.siccness.net May 19, 2011 #563 martin_07n May 19, 2011
NiNe2FiVe Sicc OG May 19, 2011 #564 Apr 26, 2003 10,869 16,112 0 61 East Oakland, USA May 19, 2011 #564 NiNe2FiVe May 19, 2011 Rough game, gotta sweep those giants and beat up on the angels afterward, hopefully the phillies can do some damage against texas and we can catch up.
Rough game, gotta sweep those giants and beat up on the angels afterward, hopefully the phillies can do some damage against texas and we can catch up.
Chree Medicated May 20, 2011 #565 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 20, 2011 #565 Chree May 20, 2011 time to smash on some elephants
martin_07n Tachas y Perico May 20, 2011 #566 Feb 20, 2006 6,253 814 0 35 Tacos Sinaloa www.siccness.net May 20, 2011 #566 martin_07n May 20, 2011 Elephants > Seals
NiNe2FiVe Sicc OG May 20, 2011 #567 Apr 26, 2003 10,869 16,112 0 61 East Oakland, USA May 20, 2011 #567 NiNe2FiVe May 20, 2011 Ross and Mcarthy on 15 day DL...Blevins, Faustino, and Devine called up. Devine finally coming back from TJ surgery...Lets go Cahill, beat up on those giants...
Ross and Mcarthy on 15 day DL...Blevins, Faustino, and Devine called up. Devine finally coming back from TJ surgery...Lets go Cahill, beat up on those giants...
I IronLungs420 Sicc OG May 20, 2011 #568 Jan 12, 2006 13,259 1,117 0 May 20, 2011 #568 I IronLungs420 May 20, 2011 LOS GIGANTES CONTROLAN!!!
Chree Medicated May 20, 2011 #569 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 20, 2011 #569 Chree May 20, 2011 god damn extra innings
Chree Medicated May 20, 2011 #570 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 20, 2011 #570 Chree May 20, 2011 chalk another 1 up for them seals lol
Chree Medicated May 21, 2011 #571 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 21, 2011 #571 Chree May 21, 2011 and yet another for the seals ouch......
W0RM_Da_C0N Sicc OG May 21, 2011 #572 Sep 16, 2002 2,927 499 0 42 May 21, 2011 #572 W0RM_Da_C0N May 21, 2011 We goin for the broom n the dust pan!
Chree Medicated May 21, 2011 #573 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 21, 2011 #573 Chree May 21, 2011 and A's fans are awefully quiet
Chree Medicated May 22, 2011 #574 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 22, 2011 #574 Chree May 22, 2011 Swept...... yeahdat GIANTS
BROWN GUERRERO #SFUNITE May 22, 2011 #575 Feb 12, 2004 7,488 886 0 38 May 22, 2011 #575 BROWN GUERRERO May 22, 2011
Chree Medicated May 22, 2011 #576 Dec 7, 2005 32,388 13,900 113 39 May 22, 2011 #576 Chree May 22, 2011 SEALS > ELEPHANTS
I IronLungs420 Sicc OG May 22, 2011 #577 Jan 12, 2006 13,259 1,117 0 May 22, 2011 #577 I IronLungs420 May 22, 2011 FRISCO RUNS THE BAY!!!! 49ERS>Raidturds GIGANTES>A's
j19 Sicc OG May 22, 2011 #578 Oct 23, 2008 478 0 0 43 May 22, 2011 #578 j19 May 22, 2011 The Giants still ant shit! "A's All Day"
DFresh77 Sicc OG May 22, 2011 #579 Dec 4, 2006 17,451 7,543 113 47 May 22, 2011 #579 DFresh77 May 22, 2011 I can't hate on the A's ..because I like them too, but I love the Giants more!
T-Rip T Camp May 22, 2011 #580 Jan 18, 2006 14,367 6,557 113 43 May 22, 2011 #580 T-Rip May 22, 2011 hey who did the A's beat again in this world series?