Very tru Sixx and Taddy.... i couldnt believe you didnt really dig the Dividenz album tho... i thought it was top4 releases on SLR behind sykotherapy, money motivated, and the LAC... but itwasnt your normal SLR release tho
who knows what we need... if we knew.. it would be done
who knows what we need... if we knew.. it would be done
i think overall it was better quality and feel than hollow point lyrics but it's rare that i can get into an album and like EVERY i said, i'm a critic....most people that've been here know that. i got a lot of respect for notes and cola too, they're both good dudes from my experience. i'm not saying the album was BAD in anyway.....Most of the time I don't like EVERY song on an album....what I said about Sykotherapy all the way through though was a mistake...I FUCKING HATE #14 WITH BRAZY. It's one of the shittiest songs SLR every put out. lol....besides a few on the first real album....
honestly, i could listen to my life for sale ALL the way through....but it wasn't the best album out of Seattle in my opinion. But if it's not my favorite and I can still listen to every song and feel it, Neema did something right, that NOBODY else has done/is doing right now. Granted I like most of the old SLR shit though....
What I'm waiting the new Byron Douglas....that shit CRACKS.