The fucking fakers lost in boston

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Apr 25, 2002
Young Bull said:
If you focus on the age difference between MJ and KB, of course KB gonna be more active than old ass MJ. You talkin about a 15 year age differential. But yet, that old ass man put the iron fist down and shut everyone up.
Your also talking about ALOT of expierence, something that Kobe still lacks. No one shut anyone down, to think that is just idiotic.

Young Bull said:
Since when the fuck does Jordan miss free throws, so if he made those 5 free throws that he missed he would of had (30 points, 2 more than KB) at age 39 - 40 whatever the fuck. he played about 10 minutes less than KB, and took less shots and managed to score 25 calmly. While KB was tryin his hardest (and you know he was) and trying to out-score and out-number MJ in every offensive and defensive category. Come on now, Am I the only one that saw that yesterday. you just shot yourself in the fuckin foot with that "statistical category" shit.
Please shut up about all your guys' "kobe trying to do this kobe trying to do that" with stats. Just cause the dude is tering it up on the stats board your gonna talk shit on that too? I think Czar's claim was ok, cause im sure he was trying to pass the ball hella in that one game for the triple double, but please. You knock him for shooting, passing, next thing you know you guys are gonna be knocking him for trying to get to many rebounds.

Mista Sinista said:
KOBE DIDNT RUN WILD ON WASHINGTON!! He shot 8/21 or 8/22. Thats not good. MJ schooled Kobe hoe azz. Jordan came off the bench got 25 points on 9/14 shooting. He fucked over Kobe with ease. Kobe aint shyt! Lakers aint shyt.
I dont think even your fellow kings fans agree with you on that one, fucked over? schooled? what leauge are you watching. Maybe he did get the better of Kobe, but atleast i can say that...

Mista Sinista said:
Theyre winning the same way they wont back in the 80s and 60s. They always have a dominant big man and a guard. Example:
60s: Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West
80s: Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Magic Johnson
90s: Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe "over rated" Bryant.
In the 80s and 60s the guards were great! Buy Kobe aint great! He's good but not great. He cant make the people around him better so therefore he aint great! GOT EM!!! LOL!
(had to bite Kingczar's shyt)
Yes they won all those times with BIG men like that, exactly what is your point? They can either take shaq and win it year after year, or get some other guards and hope for the best, whats the fucking big deal about having a big man? thats SMART, thats basketball son. Kobe is beyond great, and he is still very young. I admit he doesnt have anywhere near the court presence that MJ had, which is why he doesnt make people around him great, but hes still a kid man, hes never played without shaq, he doesnt know how to be a leader, hes never needed to be.

And shark, yes they will talk shit at the end of the year. It will be one of the following..

1.) Ref's
2.) NBA is fixed

Both have been used over the last 3 years, im not sure weather a new one will surface or not, but im guessing the refs will be the excuse again.
May 19, 2002
This just in..........Ko_Me's not a kid...Hes 24 years old! A grown ass man!! But yea he does not know how to be a leader or the main go to player, cause he's never been in that situation, but lets be real, if he was great he would adapt right?? Holla!! GOT EM!!!
May 19, 2002
I dont care what u say, compared to a 80 year old, he is still a grown man!! Even if u rephrased it and said he is just young and is still learnin the game, I wouldnt give u that either!! Anyone who has won 3 championships in a row, should know the game, so I aint lettin no excuses go by!! Its time to shine or get behind for Ko_me!!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
He DOES know the game, never said he didnt. Everyone in the nba knows the game, but it takes expierence to be a team leader. He hasnt had the chance with shaq there. And according to you guys he only won those championships cause shaq and the refs right? So how can you use that...
May 19, 2002
No dont say accordin to yall< Ive never said that the refs played a part in 3 years, I said they played a part last year in game 6!! So maybe other folks said that for 3 years, but not me, Sac wasnt ready the first 2 years, but last year they really won to me! But what Im sayin is Ko_Me bein the talent that he is, should know how to lead his team when Shaq goes down! He has the best coach, and for the fact that he wants to be great and has the talent to be great, he should be better leader than he is forreal!!
Apr 25, 2002
CZAR, your right, i remember you saying that about the kings not being ready. But i want you to think about this. Like wicked said, right now kobe doesnt have any other solid players. But what if you put the Rodman and Pippen that MJ had, on the Lakers, you dont think they would go to the playoffs? Now im in no way saying he would do as good as Jordan did with them, beleive me no one can, but just think about that. Im not saying championship but I think they would ATLEAST go to the playoffs.
May 19, 2002
Oh yea I do think that a team with Rodman, Pippen in his prime, & Ko_Me would make the playoffs, but then this is where the leadership skills differ for Jordan & Ko_me! Checkit...We all know how much of a problem Rodman was, and it was almost impossible for anyone to keep him inline, but MJ had that ability to make that mufucka play, it took a few weeks after he got there but MJ got him on track...Now do u think if that was Ko_me instead if MJ, would he be able to keep Rodman inline?? I really dont think so, I think that team would have fallen apart.. Rodman is a dumbass, but the greatest rebounder of alltime!!