The fucking fakers lost in boston

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Sicc OG
May 16, 2002
Nitro its the ENVY talkin in alot of these krispie cream CREAM PUFFS....ENVIOUS BITCHES SAYING STUPID SHIT....THE ENVY IS DEEP IN THESE CAKES!


Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
They won't get it this time. That's for sure. Oh and what the refs are calling when the fakers play is so ridiculous that I just can't believe it sumtimes. I didn't hate the old lakers cause they were sum good ball players like magic or Kareem or Worthy but Kobe and shaq are just sum arrogant dumb idiots and like I said the only one i like on their team is phil jackson.
Apr 25, 2002
Its not a coincidence the team you hate so badly, has eliminated the team you love so much, its not hard to see that. If it was the 6ers eliminating the kings every year, you guys would be talking so much trash on iverson, so i aint trippin.


Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
I like Iverson. I liked him since i saw him the first time playing for georgetown and i don't care what everybody is saying about him. If the sixers and fakers would have traded iverson for that clown Hobe bryant the sixers would never been to the finals yet. I think they even wouldn't have reached the second round in the playoffs. By the way I'm not that big kings fan but the kings gained my respect last year when they were the better team and finally lost against the refs.
May 19, 2002
MB3 said:
I like Iverson. I liked him since i saw him the first time playing for georgetown and i don't care what everybody is saying about him. If the sixers and fakers would have traded iverson for that clown Hobe bryant the sixers would never been to the finals yet. I think they even wouldn't have reached the second round in the playoffs. By the way I'm not that big kings fan but the kings gained my respect last year when they were the better team and finally lost against the refs.
Haha tellin MB3, thats some of the realist shit spoken!!! nad yall bitches lost agin tonight to my folks MJ, The gretaest of alltime!! GOT EM!!!


Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
Yeah and the sixers won too and they didn't need sum high scoring from Iverson this time. Oh and they beat the team that destroyed the fakers.
Apr 25, 2002
Bryant on the 6ers, he goes to the finals with ease in the eastern confrence. Kings are gonna need the refs help again this year, the refs got them into the playoffs atleast. Divac needs some acting classes, dude cant even flop right. They need to learn how to guard shaq, then they might not see his ass at the line so often. Most of all they need to learn how to guard Kobe, my boy gonna run wild on the Kings, unstopable!!! Best player in history!!
May 19, 2002
haha keep foolin yo self nitro... Ko-Me wouldnt make the playoffs with the 76ers, and everyone not biased knows that!!! He just dont cut it as the main fool, he needs someone better than him like Shaq on the team to be good.. How he gonna run wild on Sac, when he cant run wild on Cleveland or Washington!!! Most overrated player of alltime!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
He did run wild on cleveland and washington... what game were you watchin dog... If you know BBall like you say, you'll know the eastern confrence is soft as shit.
May 19, 2002
If u say so homie!! I believe Ko-Me had 15 points aginst cleveland, and maybe would have had more, but was to selfish tryin to get a 10th assist, but to no avail of course, so no he didnt run wild in cleveland!! and in Wash, he didnt run wild either, he got schooled by MJ, and he lost and had like 27 points in a losin cause!! He got cancelled out by MJ, let alone Stackhouse, so as usual u are wrong Buddy!!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Kobe Outdules MJ in every statistical category except steals... and yet he got schooled? And you know them selfish people always trying to pass the ball...
May 19, 2002
Oh yea he got schooled forreal, Ko_Me is in is prime, ready to be the man mode, and he let MJ do em, Jordan actually had 2 str8 bad games before that, well not bad, but he wasnt really a factor, and he got hit up by MJ 1 on 1!! I guess he is the medicine for MJ, when he needs to get back on track!! Haha....GOT EM!!!!
Sep 7, 2002
Nitro GH said:
Kings are gonna need the refs help again this year, the refs got them into the playoffs atleast.
i've been a LA fan for awhile now.
If these refs were as strict as the 80's and the early 90's, Shaq would always get fouled out damn near every game. Defenders be standin straight with their arms up, and Shaq (while his pivit foot still, in a circular motion) throws thos dirty ass elbows [you what the fuck im talkin about] Come on now, and you sayin those refs be cheatin for sac? They sometimes do, but not as much as much as LA. Its been goin on for a while now but still no offensive fouls are being called; shits ridiculous. and most of the times the fouls are being called at the defender for some reason.

I understand that hack-a-shaq shit. and 2/3rds of the time those fouls are being called. And those ARE fouls being comitted by the opposite. But those elbows aren't fouls??? I rarley seen calls being made cuz of those elbows.

Thats really fuckin the games up badly. Thats why i don't really watch that much ball anymore.

Thats not even including those tippy-tap calls every damn time someone touches your hand. WELL THE THE FUCKIN HAND IS PART OF THE FUCKIN BALL!!! (if yall ever heard that saying).
Sep 7, 2002
Nitro GH said:
Kobe Outdules MJ in every statistical category except steals...
If you focus on the age difference between MJ and KB, of course KB gonna be more active than old ass MJ. You talkin about a 15 year age differential. But yet, that old ass man put the iron fist down and shut everyone up.

Since when the fuck does Jordan miss free throws, so if he made those 5 free throws that he missed he would of had (30 points, 2 more than KB) at age 39 - 40 whatever the fuck. he played about 10 minutes less than KB, and took less shots and managed to score 25 calmly. While KB was tryin his hardest (and you know he was) and trying to out-score and out-number MJ in every offensive and defensive category. Come on now, Am I the only one that saw that yesterday. you just shot yourself in the fuckin foot with that "statistical category" shit.
May 15, 2002
KOBE DIDNT RUN WILD ON WASHINGTON!! He shot 8/21 or 8/22. Thats not good. MJ schooled Kobe hoe azz. Jordan came off the bench got 25 points on 9/14 shooting. He fucked over Kobe with ease. Kobe aint shyt! Lakers aint shyt. Theyre winning the same way they wont back in the 80s and 60s. They always have a dominant big man and a guard. Example:
60s: Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West
80s: Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Magic Johnson
90s: Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe "over rated" Bryant.
In the 80s and 60s the guards were great! Buy Kobe aint great! He's good but not great. He cant make the people around him better so therefore he aint great! GOT EM!!! LOL!
(had to bite Kingczar's shyt)
May 16, 2002
Haha I try to tell these Faker fans allday long, but they dont hear me, maybe they will listen to u!! GOT EM!!
When its all said and done and the season is over...I think you will be the one to listen...Nah you`ll probably continue to shit talk and hate no matter what...LoL...Cause your KING HATIN WITH A PASSION CZAR...#1 HATER IN THE SPORTS FORUM...YOU GOT THAT TITLE MAN...I KNOW YOU`LL WEAR IT PROUD...LoL
May 19, 2002
Yea man u are the man dogg, U are in charge, and u give me the hatin title...DAMN, what u say goes, so everyone in here will listen to u! Damn now u got everyone thinkin I am the llight heavyweight hatin champ..Haha.....Dogg your words mean boo-boo to me and most the folks on this board!! U get the "Ko-Me dick in mouth" Award for the biggest faker fan with Ko-Me's nuts on your chin....I know u will wear that title with pride!!!! GOT EM!!!