That New Mac Mall is a SHAME.

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Feb 14, 2006
no not mall hes legit..havent heard the new CD tho..everyone there befor dre passed is cool.. sumthin terrible was dope on thizz ,shit mr fab and MGMs shit was cool for bein added after..but the rest of this thizz nation red dragons pillionaires BNB 17 with a thizz Mac Dre presents shit is what really fucked it up...I BET if THIZZ let all the weak ass niggas go then Diggs might be able to get some unrealeased dre tracks from wanda put out a Mac Dre Cd (one worth buying) and some good promo it could be back on its feet

Ghost Dance

America's Nightmare
Nov 1, 2007
Oak Park...916
But that's not really something to be proud of. It's like me saying that Jumbo Jack tacos are the best item on the value menu. So what? Still tastes like shit.
Naw bra...

Even thow Mall hasent givin us a good album in years he still is one of the best emcees out the bay...hes a lot better than 90% of the rap artist people praise on the bart forum every day.
Apr 25, 2002
Hot Garbage!

Thank GOD for the internet and downloading. Gave it one good spin and a good delete and "empty recycle bin" came soon after.

One of the worst albums I've ever heard....
Jul 6, 2002
I recently put to gether some classics mixes for the ride of Mall and it ended up bein 3 cd's worth of slaps, tracks from every album accept thizziana. Immaculate had some slaps, so did Illegal Business 2000. Me myself, I jus wasnt feelin thizziana at all and goin by what Iv read this new album is pretty much a continuation of that album, which is disappointing but at the same time you gotta give dude his due credit in the grand scheme of things. He was on hella dope features like Playa's Holliday & Dusted & Disgusted too. Just wanted ta throw that out there.
Dec 29, 2008
mac mall always been one of my favorite rappers. i been listening to this cd a lil bit. it's not as bad as everyone saying. i think one issue with the cd is there's too many features. i'd like to hear more mall solo tracks.
but theres some cool cuts on here. yall don't like the one with rydah j.klyde? i like that nothing bout thizz song, the mac dre tshirt song i just wasn't feeling ray luv's verse on that song. i like the first song too but it reminds me a lot of seff's don't get mad get money but it's a good song.

but yeah like everyone else i'd prefer to hear the revolutionary Mac Mall talking about some rude boy shit.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
why do yall hate on mac malls new shit so much, cuz i be goin to youtube to listen to it and i like it? am i just crazy as well?

does he really have to put out shit like this

is that the ONLY WAY yall gon be happy?????
be real with me.

fuck, hes doing something new. i like the new sound. hes growing and spreading his wings. stop tryna make that nigga do what you want him to do and respect him as a man that make what he wanna make...

i dunno
and just my feelings..i think he still got it... sorry if it offended anyone...imma cop his new shit if i can find a copycuz he still come hard to me...its like u niggas that say bavgate suck...i just think u sumn wrong w u or somethin..cuz he go hard...same w mall tho...niggas hate on diggs the same out

i gotta stop listening to u niggas and just listen with a clear concious forreal


Aug 27, 2002
i think mall is a dope ass rapper but i think this album is garbage....i still check for anything with mall tho, off top

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
^imma listen to it before i pass judgement i just be seein alot of hate for certain people...and dont really be feelin it...

music 2 me acquired tastes sometimes i remember back in the days i didnt really feel dubees style cuz i aint understand it... now i really fuck w his shit

which 1 we talkin mac 2 the future? i even liked the cover lol id damn near cop it for that

thizz kinda got they own sound i dont be trippin too much off of the beats they use n shit iono what it is people dont mess w ive honestly never really been bothered by anything thizz ever put out (if thizz put that out?)
Apr 8, 2006
Damn man I feel like u be puttin way 2 much sugar on it Gas.

I copped the new album and will continue 2 cop his joints jus cuz MacMall is one of my favorite Lyracists 2 this day and was my favorite rapper as a kid dudes really a Beast.

BUT ever since he started "Becoming a Man" n ceased the Khayree production his albums n beats suck.

And yes he does have to put out quality music 4 me 2 knock his shit.

Theres a difference between Aquired taste n bein forced 2 adapt.

I may be puttin a lil xtra kick on how much I disaprove of this album but thats only because I have much respect 4 his older work and hold it in very high regaurds so ya man that shit was trash n he need 2 know it so he can fix it!
Apr 8, 2006
It wasn't like a far stretch n everyone got on the nazi camp h8 MacMall bandwagon.

It spoke 4 itself n majority dont lie the shit aint even "OK" its junk.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
Damn man I feel like u be puttin way 2 much sugar on it Gas.

I copped the new album and will continue 2 cop his joints jus cuz MacMall is one of my favorite Lyracists 2 this day and was my favorite rapper as a kid dudes really a Beast.

BUT ever since he started "Becoming a Man" n ceased the Khayree production his albums n beats suck.

And yes he does have to put out quality music 4 me 2 knock his shit.

Theres a difference between Aquired taste n bein forced 2 adapt.

I may be puttin a lil xtra kick on how much I disaprove of this album but thats only because I have much respect 4 his older work and hold it in very high regaurds so ya man that shit was trash n he need 2 know it so he can fix it!
sugar huh? okay/ojdajuiceman look bruh i dont wanna argue about it cuz we both know thats just silly fareal. i was just sayin niggas hate on niggas newer efforts (and that can range from from anyone from e40 to brotha lynch to rydah to mac mall) cuz it aint soundin like they old shit. unfortunately ive spent alot of time on siccness and seen the hate. you can prolly look at my post count and realize ive been here too fuckin much. Now i wasnt sayin YOU PERSONALLY feel or percieve that way. I aint relaly up on you like that. i dont know if you took it like 'oh hes talking about me because i said woop woop' but it wasnt like that.

moving along tho my guy i appreciate new music..thats all imma say are entitled to your opinion and i didnt think i was knocking your opinion, at any point. i was speaking from a general hater standpoint. i did not mean for you to put YOURSELF in those shoes. if you dont like it thats whats up....maybe i wont like it either, maybe i will. as far as mac to the future the few songs i heard i liked IMO.

my condolonences if you took that wrong jah bless blow a blunt its all love
Apr 8, 2006
Gas.....OJdaJuiceman? c'mon now lets not be name callin I take offence to that.

Naw nobodys arguin atleast from here.

I didn't take yr comment as a direct shot at me but I felt that as starter 2 the topic i fell in2 the group u was aimin at so I spoke on it.

If you really feelin it from what u heard than thats good 4 you,but like you said ya really aint bumped it,I respect u take a positive stand point n I dig it cuz thats jus the nice guy thing 2 do.
But 2 me its like the fool that sticks up 4 the around the way shady guy cuz hes said wutsup a few times,not really knowin what hes about talkin bout he aint never done me dusty or ya its cool puttin in a good word n shit against the H8 cuz he means well till he experiance the bullshit 4 himself than comes 2 the same conclusion that everyone already told him about.

Its a far cry but its on the same wavelength...Ive learned not 2 speak on somthing unless I know what Im talkin bout.

But ya I feel you tho Gas people need 2 keep n open mind...2 many people want shit 2 be the same 4ever cuz thats what they cherish the most but its kinda jus unrealistic that people n styles wont change...Ive also noticed alot a people bitchen bout that shit even when the art was still tight.

But this here is not the case.

I jus see 2 many people on the Siccness talkin bout shit slapps or this is tight...when the shit is regualr ass trendy BS
I'm not usually a glass half empty kinda guy but man i'm sick of hearin lames sayin shits tight and wack rappers and theyre homies up on here talkin bout shit Slaps n everybody jus say it does cuz nobody wanta be labled a hater.

So Sorry if I jump the gun i'm kinda fed up.