yea... I cant really see James on track.. im interested, btu IDK if itll go over well in my opinion.. Corey from Knot im still looking forward to as well as well as Em.. Tech man, you should talk to Starscream (Sid from Slipknot) about doing a drum n bass inspired beat for you or some shit.. OR Rusko or someone for a slightly Dubstep track. Idk, just ideas since I bet youd be able to make some good outta beats like that unlike alotta people. Just please man, the beats on GMP (like its been said) were pretty bland.
Like someone else stated before. Its not the party tracks that make the song bad. It dont gotta be "dark", but like someone else also said. Some of the shit felt un-inspired.
Oh adn if theres another rock/rap track coming up and you need another rapper on it.. Peep Hyro Da Hero