HONESTLY, I aint gone lie... When I read KC $lim's typing, it takes me an extra few seconds to read that shit, and I keep going back and getting dizzy, but I dont care, that's being different, and I cant argue with it. I can't say it makes him look stupid though, because it doesn't to me, and it does to someone else, so that means it's all on those who think that, and that it's gonna make their life skip a beat of he types like that...
Man, I am as Ghetto as a glass of Red Kool-Aid, and is black also, I am a natural born computer nerd and hasn't taken one class for it in my life. But who cares I say "guy's" I speak "proper" as hell ( a little slower than most), I just happen to be something that 99% of the people from the "ghetto" isn't... Not a C.I.S. major, but I'd probably fly through that in a flash, and I am still the same nigga I was 3 years ago before I went to college... That's just me... Street for life whether I make a mill or not, I'll still have a jug of Kool-Aid in my brokedown fridge...
Zer0 has to be black. I can see him now walking past Abercrombie or A.E. in the mall and laughing at those corny burbian guys walking in there to buy a dingy tight fitting outfit.