Tech bullshitted BIG TYME

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Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
^read his posts and you will see. like i said, it's one thing to talk like that. it is understandable. we are all products of where we grow up. we all have different dialects, but do i type the way i pronounce words? no.
Apr 19, 2003
shep said:
^read his posts and you will see. like i said, it's one thing to talk like that. it is understandable. we are all products of where we grow up. we all have different dialects, but do i type the way i pronounce words? no.


how does "ghetto" relate to his typing??

I see misspelled slang,and misspelling="ghetto??


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
da, dat, az, ov, fa, dis, iz, sumn, doe, trackz, showz... i could go on, but my point is made. how is this not ghetto. no matter where you are from, you can clearly see that if this kid isn't ghetto, urban, whatever you want to call it, he is trying hard to sound it.
Apr 19, 2003
shep said:
da, dat, az, ov, fa, dis, iz, sumn, doe, trackz, showz... i could go on, but my point is made. how is this not ghetto. no matter where you are from, you can clearly see that if this kid isn't ghetto, urban, whatever you want to call it, he is trying hard to sound it.
you still didnt answer the question!!

there are many races,thats use these words...what makes slang,"ghetto"
Jan 12, 2003
hey, just let him call it ghetto. Shit. Slim typing on here is the most fuckin retarded shit i've ever seen. So u talk like that, more props to ya. Yes, i can also read it. We all can read it. Its just fuckin stupid.

We getz datz yous a hard ass mutha fucka, and us niggaz kants steps to yas cuz yous a down ass g. Congrats Snoop (DVDizzle...) I'll make sure to cast my vote for ya as the hardest mutha fucka on the strange board this year.
Apr 19, 2003
betthatstang said:
hey, just let him call it ghetto. Shit. Slim typing on here is the most fuckin retarded shit i've ever seen. So u talk like that, more props to ya. Yes, i can also read it. We all can read it. Its just fuckin stupid.

We getz datz yous a hard ass mutha fucka, and us niggaz kants steps to yas cuz yous a down ass g. Congrats Snoop (DVDizzle...) I'll make sure to cast my vote for ya as the hardest mutha fucka on the strange board this year.
I know the shit is hard to read,but I just wanted him to explain why it has to be called ghetto...
Jan 12, 2003
but its a free dvd, of our tech. Its just more shit that we get of him, i for one am down w/ some more tech shit. Just dont knock it that he's doin it for us. What if he just put out a cd by itself? You'd still drop the same amount of money buying it and would only recieve the music. Why not get some bonus w/ it????


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
i never said anything about a race. in fact i know more "whyte" people who talk like that then black. i don't know why you are trying to pull the race card because that is not what i meant at all. the definition of ghetto is the poor inner city. in america, the typical inhabitant of the ghetto is african americans, but in no way was i saying that all people who live in the ghetto are ghetto, or that all people who live in the ghetto are ignorant.

so why does it have to be called ghetto? it doesn't. you can call it what you want. call it urban, call it slang, call it hip hop, the fact is that the dialect in which he is using is typically associated with poor inner city inhabitants. so why shouldn't i refer to it as ghetto?


Sicc OG
Oct 2, 2002
and you saying that i'm inferring that only certain races use those words is just as bad as him saying the way we talk means we must all be "whyte"
Apr 28, 2003
Briana, are you thick in the head?

His way of talking IS ghetto. As to my opinion on it, he can type it all he wants. He takes it laughably far though, so excuse me while I laugh. I think I deserve to laugh, since it takes me an extra second per senetence to figure out what the fuck ghetto talk is being written.

\Ghet"to\, n. A quarter of a city where Jews live in greatest numbers.

n. pl. ghet·tos or ghet·toes
A section of a city occupied by a minority group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure.
An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages.
Something that resembles the restriction or isolation of a city ghetto: “trapped in ethnic or pink-collar managerial job ghettoes”

I'm white. I live in a fairly OK place. But when I moved out for my own on the first time, I moved into a crappy apartment building with friends, and we called it ghetto all the time.

And whoever mentioned that white people talk ghetto quite often is very right, amen to that.
Apr 19, 2003
Morsayne said:
Briana, are you thick in the head?

His way of talking IS ghetto. As to my opinion on it, he can type it all he wants. He takes it laughably far though, so excuse me while I laugh. I think I deserve to laugh, since it takes me an extra second per senetence to figure out what the fuck ghetto talk is being written.

\Ghet"to\, n. A quarter of a city where Jews live in greatest numbers.

n. pl. ghet·tos or ghet·toes
A section of a city occupied by a minority group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure.
An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages.
Something that resembles the restriction or isolation of a city ghetto: “trapped in ethnic or pink-collar managerial job ghettoes”

I'm white. I live in a fairly OK place. But when I moved out for my own on the first time, I moved into a crappy apartment building with friends, and we called it ghetto all the time.

And whoever mentioned that white people talk ghetto quite often is very right, amen to that.
nice quote from the dictionary..shep..oops i mean morsayn..but that justified..what??

My point is that slang didnt originate in the ghettos...blacks in general use certain slang... the ghetto has nothing to do with it...I use some of those slangs,and never even been to a ghetto...

but this is beginning to get out!!
Apr 28, 2003
silly? It's not silly. It's lame. You're stating the blatantly obvious. No shit, slang didn't originate in ghettos. Slang was created the first time someone said a word differently. You say blacks use certain slang in general, I say the "slang" generlly used in the ghetto is what we're dealing with now. Doesn't mean people have to get all defensive about it.

Oh, and about you accusing me of being Shep? Get over it. Someone just introduced me into this forum, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Would you like me to call you to prove I'm not Shep? We could have a nice little chit chat. Let me know if you're down.
May 8, 2003
-KC $lim- said:

last words for u bitchez: eat a dick

yall gotta be Whyte where my Niggaz at in dis b.i. itch
I thought those were my last words, but damn, ya'll just can't quit talking bout me.

You know the whole reason I started typing like I talk? Because a few years back this racist L7 was saying the same bullshit as ya'll on another forum I was a guest on. Back then I didn't take it near as far as I do now, but there's a reason. That racist L7 put down this message "Keep typing like that or I'm going to come to KC & kill you.'' Some bitch ass dude from STL[no shit]. eva since then i been typin like dis on forumz & shit, jus to piss people like dat off. i thank da shit wurkin.

If U dont feel dat eat anotha dick ho!!
Shep wuz dat U cuz?


#36 um um tha drama, i miss it...anyways

the DVD: i liked it but the concerts i went to was nothin like the ones on the DVD...they were actually better...
Aug 26, 2002

-KC $lim- said:
anotha thang, whut wuz up wit dat dancing tech & kaliko and erybody wuz doin.Look like dey wuz takin sum pointerz frum n sync or sumn. I had ta smoke 1 & watch it again dat shit wuz too funny.

man i like the way you think......hahahaha
this is a classic post.......

forget what these fools in here are what you gotta do...
not everything that comes from someone....about tech...has to be...Positive...
and the reason that these kids dont understand casue they wouldnt understand you if you were talkin to them in their face....

90% of the kids in here are white geeks....No offense......
the other 10% are street kids....that speak the language...(your language)...i understood everything you said....and didnt have to read each line 2wice....

anyway.....nice post....keeps me rolln......

Look out here come the haters.......

Nov 14, 2002
I had a hella tight idea for Everready, but I am not sure if it'll have a DVD included, but if it does, then I'll follow through on seeing what's up with my idea's... I have hella ideas, I just dont say too much about em' until the time is right, and as creative as I am, they'd be glad to use em'....

Toot toot!

STL Shep Mizzou Playa- Yall sound like deez Whyte bitchez dat did my work for me back in high school. i type how i talk, dont like it ingnore it and go teach gramma to some mo bitchez dat give a fuck so dey can do mo wurk fo niggaz like me in da future.

yall gotta be Whyte where my Niggaz at in dis b.i. itch
I got ya back, gangsta.

I see misspelled slang,and misspelling="ghetto??

And whoever mentioned that white people talk ghetto quite often is very right, amen to that.
Word, yo.

eva since then i been typin like dis on forumz & shit, jus to piss people like dat off. i thank da shit wurkin.
It doesn't piss people off as much as make you look too stupid to spell.

90% of the kids in here are white geeks....No offense......
the other 10% are street kids....that speak the language...(your language)...i understood everything you said....and didnt have to read each line 2wice....
I didn't have to read it twice and I'm a white geek. Weird.