Bro you are dumb as think the injustice against black and brown people ended after the civil rights era? What about the crack that was introduced by the CIA, the lack of funding for urban schools compared to suburban schools, police brutality, cointel-pro i could go on all day. Minorities have issues cause the dominant society created them, they even stop us from trying to fix our own problems. You living in a bubble breh, the civil rights era served its purpose then, today is different
No, YOU are dumb as fuck and people like you. Everything you named is all excuses. Whatever the public school systems is lacking, I'm pretty sure the FREE library has. But....blacks don't go to libraries because they like the idea of being able to fall back on excuses to coverup their laziness and lack of ambition. Hell, we even have the internet today which has a wealth of information on it. The CIA never stopped yall's dumb asses from picking up a book outside of the classroom or going to a library. Also, the same way you type into your web browser, you can search google and study relevant topics to educate yourself. But...blacks won't do that. While blacks youth are running around idolizing drug dealers and trying to live like them, they can pick up a book. Education isn't only a classroom thing. If y'all spent even half as much time educating yourselves properly as you do in coming up with excuses and conspiracies, you'd get somewhere in life.
Fool, I'm young, black and lived in the south my entire life. I never attended college and now I'm a self-taught Futures Trader and Investment Banking Analyst. I went up against Ivy League grads. But how did I beat them? Because, instead of making excuses and using my skin color as a handicap, I took it straight to them. Better yet, instead of blowing my money on expensive clothes, big rims, garbage ass rap CDs, gold teeth, weed, etc., I have a library of over 500 books on Finance, Economics, Business Management, Securities Analysis, Metaphysics, etc. Of all the reading I've done, all the books I've bought, all the books I've checked out from the library....I've never encountered any CIA Agent or any government agent stopping me and telling me I can't have that book.