For those of you wondering this is the typical protocol for the Street Team materials.
Sometime in the near future, I am expecting Strange to contact all of us confirming our information. This will either be my email or phone depending on how much information you provided. Generally they will then ship you a package containing the promo materials.
In the past this box has contained a variation of the following:
Sample cd's
10x10 posters (not sure on the exact dimensions)
From there is is up to you to determine what way you will go about using those materials. I am located on a college campus of about 20,000+ students. Generally places that contain a population of people you think will be interested in the materials are the best to go after. (Watch out if you go to a mall of movie theater sometimes they will kick you out for solicitation) You can then give the people whatever they want from the materials.
After your box has ran out simply call strange and request another box of materials.