South Park to say n-word

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Sep 4, 2002
fuckdemsquares said:
someone ell complain as usual, just another way for southpark to rise itself from its soon to be grave. that show stopped being funny HEEELLLLLALAAAA long ago.
your insane if you dont think the new shows are funny


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Yes, but racism DOES exsist. It exsisted for 100's of years here and we all know that. Of course they are labels so the rich fuckers know who is who...a system they still use to this day. And funny enough, alot of people are STILL racist, some just dont admit it.

The fact is, nigger is and always be associated with black folks, no matter what anyone wants to say. And when folks think of the word nigger and black folks, they most likely will associate that with slavery.

You know who word assoaication works. But in order for it to work, it had to have BEEN there or that way FIRST.
I know.

I have a question though, is the word "nigger" used in any other language? Well, not the exact word, but the equivelant? And if so, what does it mean in their culture?

Everyone is too focused on what it is to be an American and all this patriotic shit, and people dont' even realize they are supporting the system they hate, which is fucking lame.

I almost didn't ask this, but how about the word "god"? Was there no god before people used the word "god" or whatever it translates into in another language? If so, does that mean that this shit isn't actually physically real? Yes, that's what it means. Race isn't physical, at least scientists haven't proved that, I don't think, so it's all MENTAL. Which means that it's NOT a reality, it's just a lot of stupid mother fuckers being ignorant to the way the universe works as a whole, rather than how the fucking stupid ass United States works. Nobody thinks about OTHER cultures in OTHER countries, it's all based on the US like America is actually setting a "good" example for minorities...and we all know America (the system, and a lot of the people) doesn't give a FUCK about minorities.


Sicc OG
Jan 4, 2004
I could give a fuck... why has that show stuck around? I watched it once for two minutes and it was wack as fuck. Somebody's payin that show too much mind.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
When people get offended, they can't resist talking about what it is that's offending them.

So all those people that don't approve of the show, are only making it worse by causing such a fucking ruckus over it in the first place, but people tend to not realize that.

The show isn't THAT funny, it's funny, and it makes me laugh, and sometimes they do have decent points in the show, but it's not the best show created ever by any means...but it is 1000X better than the Simpsons, that shit fell off a long time ago.

I think the only other cartoon that I watch, is Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and I think that shit is really funny....mostly cause of the sarcasm and shit talking. Not to mention Meatwad is fucking hilarious. And the moonenites, lol....
Nov 27, 2006
anybody watchin it? they already said it like 20 times in 10 mins, its kinda clever how their using it tho- switchin it around and callin a white person "n****r guy",
Jun 21, 2006
the show is making a point. stans dad says nigger on tv and everyone starts calling him 'nigger guy' and discriminating against him like people did to blacks before the civil rights movement. The point of the episode is to put the viewer on the recieving end of hearing the word nigger, and its actually pretty clever and made me think about how it must have felt to be discriminated like that.


Sicc OG
Feb 9, 2006
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
PLEASE tell me youre kidding.

The word was ATTACHED to black folks in most of the 20th century, so whether YOU think it "just means ignorant" is complately irrelevent and a total fallacy. If any black man hears someone say that word casually, they have every right to be upset and the person saying it should know why.

Talk about being ignorant. Can anyone else feel the hypocricy from this dude?

It was attached to black folks, but in no way does it mean black. We shouldnt define ourselves as niggers.

Whats hypocritical is calling other blacks nigga and getting mad when others do it. Its like we changed it into something mainstream and then go all Hammer time "Cant touch this" with it. Its either off limits or all ok. Pick one.

and It all depends on how its used. If a dude comes up to me and goes "Fuck you nigger" We are more than likely gonna fight, but thats because he wants shit. If hes trying to provoke me to fuck me over (Like get me expelled or fired) the use of the word isnt gonna interupt my logical thinking, and im likely to just ignore it and be about my business.

Also no sense in making you white friends uncomfortable for something you and your black friends call eachother in front of him. Atleast me anyways. Not sure how my boys feel about it.

So if nigger is so hurtful, stop using it. If there is no malicious intent when the word is used, why the fuck should I get mad? Whats ignorant is getting manipulated by a word like that. All your teacher or boss has to do to get you expelled or fired is call you nigger. You hit him and You get fucked, not him. All for shit that you shouldnt even define yourself with.

Thats just me. Call me ignorant or whatever but I define myself as a black man, not a nigger. Seeing as the word has nothing to do with myself, I have no reason to get mad unless its a personal attack. When you react, you make it a personal attack, and define you and your race as niggers. Boy would our ancestors be proud of you.:ermm:
May 9, 2002
ASCE said:

It was attached to black folks, but in no way does it mean black. We shouldnt define ourselves as niggers.
I didnt say it meant "black". i said it is ATTACHED to it. When have you EVER Heard the word niiger in regards to "ignorant" besides from YOUR mouth? I sure the fuck havent.

Whats hypocritical is calling other blacks nigga and getting mad when others do it. Its like we changed it into something mainstream and then go all Hammer time "Cant touch this" with it. Its either off limits or all ok. Pick one.
As I stated, once the Civil Rights movement came, black took sieze of the word to do whatever they like with it. Even Paul Mooney says it "we own that word and we can do whatever we want with it."

and It all depends on how its used. If a dude comes up to me and goes "Fuck you nigger" We are more than likely gonna fight, but thats because he wants shit.
If hes trying to provoke me to fuck me over (Like get me expelled or fired) the use of the word isnt gonna interupt my logical thinking, and im likely to just ignore it and be about my business.
These are the same situations.

Also no sense in making you white friends uncomfortable for something you and your black friends call eachother in front of him. Atleast me anyways. Not sure how my boys feel about it.
I dont agree with this at ALL. White oflks have NO business saying it. Are you not getting this through your thick sckull WHY its not OK?

So if nigger is so hurtful, stop using it. If there is no malicious intent when the word is used, why the fuck should I get mad?

Whats ignorant is getting manipulated by a word like that. All your teacher or boss has to do to get you expelled or fired is call you nigger. You hit him and You get fucked, not him. All for shit that you shouldnt even define yourself with.
That maybe so, but youre STILL not getting it are you?

Thats just me. Call me ignorant or whatever but I define myself as a black man, not a nigger. Seeing as the word has nothing to do with myself, I have no reason to get mad unless its a personal attack. When you react, you make it a personal attack, and define you and your race as niggers. Boy would our ancestors be proud of you.:ermm:
You just contradicted yourself in this paragraph.

It sounds to me llike youre confused and just basically saying "Well, slavery really DIDNT happen." Thats like a Jewish person saying that the Holacaust never happened.

There isa reason they are caled "racial slurs". So are you saying chink, gook, Kyke, muli, spic, wetback, cracker, and slant nose are all just farces and OKto say? I mean, buy YOUR defintion, they are just words that have no meaning behind them.

Get a clue, bucko.


Sicc OG
Feb 9, 2006
I didnt say it meant "black". i said it is ATTACHED to it. When have you EVER Heard the word niiger in regards to "ignorant" besides from YOUR mouth? I sure the fuck havent.
Well, ive seen white people call other white people nigga. Also when rapping they've used it.(Eminem). I guess we gotta whoop his ass now.

As I stated, once the Civil Rights movement came, black took sieze of the word to do whatever they like with it. Even Paul Mooney says it "we own that word and we can do whatever we want with it."
LMAO! Wtf are you talking about? Your saying we got legal documentation saying we own the n-word? Thats hilarious.

and yea, paul mooney is the emporer of all black people like that.

These are the same situations.
I didnt convey that well. The first is just some random dude on the streets. No influence in my life. The second is one of a certain authority, and that my reaction towards him has bigger consequences in my life than the first.

I dont agree with this at ALL. White oflks have NO business saying it. Are you not getting this through your thick sckull WHY its not OK?
I guess not. I mean by making it something forbidden, they use it more. Especially when we dangle it in their faces.(Hip Hop Culture). By not reacting in a negative way when its said, and telling them why I dont mind, Im trying to remove "Black person" from the definition of the word. Its not like they go around yelling "Nigger Nigger Nigger" because of this. I just dont feel the need to beat down everyone white dude singing an *insert rapper here* song, since I dont think we should associate it with black people anymore.

That makes sense.:ermm:

That maybe so, but youre STILL not getting it are you?
Apparently not, but only because you fail to explain it in a way that makes sense.

You just contradicted yourself in this paragraph.

It sounds to me llike youre confused and just basically saying "Well, slavery really DIDNT happen." Thats like a Jewish person saying that the Holacaust never happened.
.........How did I do that in that paragraph?

Slavery did happen, but I dont think that when a white dude lets it slip, hes saying "You black slave sonofabitch, go back to africa or Ill lynch you.". I also dont see how Im denying slavery for ignoring a word. Nigger does not define what our ancestors went through on any level. It was apart of it, but if you think that word is the biggest part of slavery, your a bigger idiot than I thought.

There isa reason they are caled "racial slurs". So are you saying chink, gook, Kyke, muli, spic, wetback, cracker, and slant nose are all just farces and OKto say? I mean, buy YOUR defintion, they are just words that have no meaning behind them.
Yea, but no one reacts the way black people do when nigger is said. Call an asian a chink, they will more than likely say "Im Korean" and be done with it. Call a white person a cracker and they say "ummm.....ok?". but oh no, call us niggers and we gotta bust some skulls or we are denying slavery. That makes sense.

They have meaning, but we are individuals who can make the decision to ignore the ignorant bastard who said it, instead of going down to their level and goin off.

Get a clue, bucko.
Same to you bro.:)
May 9, 2002
ASCE said:
Well, ive seen white people call other white people nigga. Also when rapping they've used it.(Eminem). I guess we gotta whoop his ass now.
In case you missed it, that was a HUGE ordeal whan that came to light. Where the fuck have YOU been?

White people have no business sayin "nigga".

LMAO! Wtf are you talking about? Your saying we got legal documentation saying we own the n-word? Thats hilarious.

and yea, paul mooney is the emporer of all black people like that.
Are you fuckin serious? Use some common sense.

Paul Mooney is a well respected black comedian who has some what jaded views of racism, but has som very good input on the subject. I was using him as an example to the point I was making.

I didnt convey that well. The first is just some random dude on the streets. No influence in my life. The second is one of a certain authority, and that my reaction towards him has bigger consequences in my life than the first.
It shouldnt matter WHO says it, the point is that it is being said in VAIN. THIS is what you are not getting.

I guess not. I mean by making it something forbidden, they use it more. Especially when we dangle it in their faces.(Hip Hop Culture). By not reacting in a negative way when its said, and telling them why I dont mind, Im trying to remove "Black person" from the definition of the word. Its not like they go around yelling "Nigger Nigger Nigger" because of this. I just dont feel the need to beat down everyone white dude singing an *insert rapper here* song, since I dont think we should associate it with black people anymore.
Saying it in a hurtful manner and reciting a rap song=not the same thing.

Youre problem is, your mixing xasual conversation with OFFENSIVE RACIAL SLURS. Do you understand that? Can you comprehend this?? A yes or no will suffice.

That makes sense.:ermm:
I was shocked at what you said. Maybe I am talking to someone who has bad comprehension skills.

Apparently not, but only because you fail to explain it in a way that makes sense.
Re-read it, it makes perfect sense. You just fail to GET IT.

.........How did I do that in that paragraph?
Again, re-read what you wrote. Its one thing to NOT comprehend me, but no being able to comprehend your own thoughts, well, you may need some professional help.

Slavery did happen, but I dont think that when a white dude lets it slip, hes saying "You black slave sonofabitch, go back to africa or Ill lynch you."
It doesnt need to be said OR implied. As I have now said REPEATDLY, all that is ATTACHED to the word. How else can you possibly mean NIGGER???? Cmon, dude, please...stay with me here.

So to you, this is NOT offensive:

White man-"Well, I was in line at the grocery store and I was talking to this nigger and he was really nice"

But this is:

White man-"This fucking bitch ass nigger hit me with his car, and im gonna sue that black bastard for every nigger penny he has."

But those are different, right? So in your critical thinking, becuase one quotation is in negative light and the other is in positive, they have different meanings and definition?

I also dont see how Im denying slavery for ignoring a word. Nigger does not define what our ancestors went through on any level. It was apart of it, but if you think that word is the biggest part of slavery, your a bigger idiot than I thought.
Biggest part? Homie, that is just the GATEWAY to slavery. Look what a put in BOLD. The point IS, that it IS aprt of it, and you seem to fail to realize this. To you, its just a WORD, and the funny thing is, I can assume that 95% of black folks just on HERE, would disagree with you.

Yea, but no one reacts the way black people do when nigger is said. Call an asian a chink, they will more than likely say "Im Korean" and be done with it. Call a white person a cracker and they say "ummm.....ok?". but oh no, call us niggers and we gotta bust some skulls or we are denying slavery. That makes sense.
You know why, right? We just covered slavery.

And underlined, that dosnt even make sense.

If someone calls me a cracker, im gettin at em. NO racial slurs are OK in my book...NONE.

Again, they are racial slurs for a REASON.

They have meaning, but we are individuals who can make the decision to ignore the ignorant bastard who said it, instead of going down to their level and goin off.
Feb 5, 2006
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Paul Mooney is a well respected black comedian who has some what jaded views of racism, but has som very good input on the subject. I was using him as an example to the point I was making.

May 10, 2002
Y'all forgettin about little people discrimination, lol

That was like a sidebar to the show. Midgets get hated on too, lmao


Sicc OG
Feb 9, 2006
I loved it when cartman beat the shit out of the midget. Shit had me rollin.

Im done with u tho Jesse, you have no fuckin idea what you are talkin about. Lets just you and me have our separate views and leave it at that. ok?