ASCE said:
Well, ive seen white people call other white people nigga. Also when rapping they've used it.(Eminem). I guess we gotta whoop his ass now.
In case you missed it, that was a HUGE ordeal whan that came to light. Where the fuck have YOU been?
White people have no business sayin "nigga".
LMAO! Wtf are you talking about? Your saying we got legal documentation saying we own the n-word? Thats hilarious.
and yea, paul mooney is the emporer of all black people like that.
Are you fuckin serious? Use some common sense.
Paul Mooney is a well respected black comedian who has some what jaded views of racism, but has som very good input on the subject. I was using him as an example to the point I was making.
I didnt convey that well. The first is just some random dude on the streets. No influence in my life. The second is one of a certain authority, and that my reaction towards him has bigger consequences in my life than the first.
It shouldnt matter WHO says it, the point is that it is being said in VAIN. THIS is what you are not getting.
I guess not. I mean by making it something forbidden, they use it more. Especially when we dangle it in their faces.(Hip Hop Culture). By not reacting in a negative way when its said, and telling them why I dont mind, Im trying to remove "Black person" from the definition of the word. Its not like they go around yelling "Nigger Nigger Nigger" because of this. I just dont feel the need to beat down everyone white dude singing an *insert rapper here* song, since I dont think we should associate it with black people anymore.
Saying it in a hurtful manner and reciting a rap song=not the same thing.
Youre problem is, your mixing xasual conversation with OFFENSIVE RACIAL SLURS. Do you understand that? Can you comprehend this?? A yes or no will suffice.
I was shocked at what you said. Maybe I am talking to someone who has bad comprehension skills.
Apparently not, but only because you fail to explain it in a way that makes sense.
Re-read it, it makes perfect sense. You just fail to GET IT.
.........How did I do that in that paragraph?
Again, re-read what you wrote. Its one thing to NOT comprehend me, but no being able to comprehend your own thoughts, well, you may need some professional help.
Slavery did happen, but I dont think that when a white dude lets it slip, hes saying "You black slave sonofabitch, go back to africa or Ill lynch you."
It doesnt need to be said OR implied. As I have now said REPEATDLY, all that is ATTACHED to the word. How else can you possibly mean NIGGER???? Cmon, dude, please...stay with me here.
So to you, this is NOT offensive:
White man-"Well, I was in line at the grocery store and I was talking to this nigger and he was really nice"
But this is:
White man-"This fucking bitch ass nigger hit me with his car, and im gonna sue that black bastard for every nigger penny he has."
But those are different, right? So in your critical thinking, becuase one quotation is in negative light and the other is in positive, they have different meanings and definition?
I also dont see how Im denying slavery for ignoring a word. Nigger does not define what our ancestors went through on any level. It was apart of it, but if you think that word is the biggest part of slavery, your a bigger idiot than I thought.
Biggest part? Homie, that is just the GATEWAY to slavery. Look what a put in BOLD. The point IS, that it IS aprt of it, and you seem to fail to realize this. To you, its just a WORD, and the funny thing is, I can assume that 95% of black folks just on HERE, would disagree with you.
Yea, but no one reacts the way black people do when nigger is said. Call an asian a chink, they will more than likely say "Im Korean" and be done with it. Call a white person a cracker and they say "ummm.....ok?". but oh no, call us niggers and we gotta bust some skulls or we are denying slavery. That makes sense.
You know why, right? We just covered slavery.
And underlined, that dosnt even make sense.
If someone calls me a cracker, im gettin at em. NO racial slurs are OK in my book...NONE.
Again, they are racial slurs for a REASON.
They have meaning, but we are individuals who can make the decision to ignore the ignorant bastard who said it, instead of going down to their level and goin off.