Locomotive41562 said:
BIG DIFFERENCE...the south was able to put up independent numbers...shit the bay hasn't been able to do in a long time. And whoever told you that they're handing out "outrageous" contracts to new artists got your dumb ass to believe what they said, cause there isn't a new artist out here without a track record that is makin real money off of album sales.
The point of what I was saying is that FAB is looked at by a lot as the artist that has the most potential in the bay and being one of the favorite artists of fans in the bay, and he only sell's 4,500 records in his first week. I know this is not all on FAB or SMC, this falls in to the hands of his "fans". No matter how much music you download, if you are a fan of his music, why not do what you can to help him blow up. The part that FAB and the label are responsible for however, is making sure that you don't focus your promotion around a website, to where at one click of a mouse, the same people that you're trying to get a sale from, can download the whole album for free.
As for gossiping, if you think that what i said is gossip, get up off your ass and do some real research as to why the bay will NEVER be on top! Some may say I'm a hater, but for the folks that do this shit for a living and know the in's and out's of this business, never in an area that has no support for their own artists, will you see it be on top. I'm as big as a fan of bay music then most people that have been around, but bay music as a whole has become stagnant.
The point of what I was saying is that FAB is looked at by a lot as the artist that has the most potential in the bay and being one of the favorite artists of fans in the bay, and he only sell's 4,500 records in his first week. I know this is not all on FAB or SMC, this falls in to the hands of his "fans". No matter how much music you download, if you are a fan of his music, why not do what you can to help him blow up. The part that FAB and the label are responsible for however, is making sure that you don't focus your promotion around a website, to where at one click of a mouse, the same people that you're trying to get a sale from, can download the whole album for free.
As for gossiping, if you think that what i said is gossip, get up off your ass and do some real research as to why the bay will NEVER be on top! Some may say I'm a hater, but for the folks that do this shit for a living and know the in's and out's of this business, never in an area that has no support for their own artists, will you see it be on top. I'm as big as a fan of bay music then most people that have been around, but bay music as a whole has become stagnant.
first of all i know the contracts. and if you know the ins and outs of the business like you say then you'd know that the internet is where music is going. years and years from now no ones gonna buy cds. every nigga got an i pod now. the bay will never blow? it already blew dont forget who started this shit! one region cant be on top forever! dont act like you know too much! i do this shit for more than a living! and real industry niggas know me! know about it!