Soulja Boy's Responds 2 Ice T

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Sep 8, 2005
I can respect some of soulja boy points on this youtube. It would have been real easy to come out with a 7 minute and 41 sec. rant dissing Ice with his lil homies cheering him on but he actually brought some sense and logic to the equation. Hip-hop/rap isn't just one form of expression but is many different ones from street to political to comedy to partying and whatever else. If you dont like soulja boy music dont listen and keep it moving. Or if you think you can give him some advice or suggestions to the lil brother then talk to him rather he take it or not. Dont get on youtube and tell him to eat a dick, WTF is that how will that help the cause. It will just make a whole lot of young people dislike Ice-T.
May 30, 2006
ice t never apologized for body count so fuck what he has to say. hes a vet and everything but that nigga needs more fiber in his diet.
Applogize for what? Body Count is a heavy metal band. That shit wasn't geared towards his traditional gangsta rap fans. Those were some cats he went to skool with that were having a hard time getting a deal. Ice-T has always been a fan of Heavy Metal & u can hear that influence in some of his music like the Iceberg album, the OG album & other shit.

I didn't like Body Counts music neither but I understood that it wasn't geared towards someone lie myself. Just like Are We There Yet was geared towards the kids not the people who bought Cubes last album.
May 30, 2006
My sister is 22 & loves Soulja Boy so the hip-hop audience is also accountable......
Yeah, I remember on Thanksgiving my girl was @ her mamas house & her sister in law wanted her daughter & neice was to show them how to do the Soulja Boy dance. There are plenty of Adults cooning to this bullshit too. Not just children. I'm just glad my daughter aint never came home doing that dumb ass shit.
there is nuthin u can say about ice t he's a vet and he was in grandmaster flash and the furious 5 video the message and he had the hit colors. he is in 1 way or another a icon period like him or not he has history. stop hatin on soulja boy he aint kill hip hop he just made another alley for it, if u dont like his music oh well a million plus people brought the ringtone to crank that. atleast he makin money the legal way. hip hop dude actin like he stole money from them. im not a fan of his music but if it sound cool ill fuck wit it/ let the nigga do him
No, really, Soulja Boy, eat a dick

When I saw, yesterday, that Ice T had issued a drop on some mixtape, talking about how Soulja Boy single handedly ruined hip-hop, and how he should eat a dick, I should have known it would only be a matter of time before Soulja Boy would mount some sort of response.

After all, Soulja Boy has a history of this kind of thing. Last year, when the GZA happened to mention at one of his shows the fact that Soulja Boy is single handedly ruining hip-hop, Soulja Boy had the sheer balls to talk shit about the GZA.

In an interview, Soulja Boy was talking about how he didn’t even know who the GZA was, and how Mr. Collipark or somebody had to sit him down and explain to him that the GZA was a member of the Wu-Tang Clan, which was a big rap group back in the 1990s.

In a post here, I suggested that the reason Soulja Boy didn’t just log onto Wikipedia and find out for himself might be that he can’t read. Around that same time, I had heard (I think I actually read it in Wikipedia, oddly enough), that both him and his weed carrier, A-rab, both failed the ninth grade twice, before finally dropping out of high school.

But it could be the case that Soulja Boy can read, at least on like a fifth grade level, and the reason he doesn’t bother to learn about any of the pioneers of this shit until they’ve made it a point to come out dissing him is because he has no respect for the culture. He just views it as a hustle.

That’s basically what I took from his YouTube response to Ice T, which you can check in the Bangers section of this site.

In the clip, Soulja Boy begins by playing the audio of Ice T telling him to eat a dick; and if you notice, he shuts it off right when Ice T begins to run down the litany of pioneers in this genre, who set such a high artistic standard, only to have Soulja Boy and his ilk come along and degrade it to such a degree. Soulja Boy even says something to the effect of, “Fuck that other shit,” right as he’s shutting it off. (You can check the full audio of Ice T’s rant re: Soulja Boy over at WSHH.)

I’m assuming this was less a matter of Soulja Boy being concerned with any time constraints as it was a matter of him not giving a rat’s ass about any of the people Ice T mentioned, and, by extension, the argument Ice T was trying to make in the first place, which is that Soulja Boy fucking sucks balls compared to them. Names like Rakim and Das Efx (perhaps no so much Ice Cube) probably flew way under Soulja Boy’s radar, and he probably won’t learn anything about them unless they, too, tell him to eat a dick. Which they should.

Then Soulja Boy actually pulls up Ice T’s page from Wikipedia and begins to read from it. This was surprising to me, in that, the last time Soulja Boy had an issue with an older rapper, he had to have someone explain to him who it was. Could it be that Soulja Boy read my post about his beef with the GZA, in which I suggested he might start educating himself using the world’s most accurate encyclopedia? The guy obviously stays up on the Internets, if he was able to have his response to Ice T on YouTube in a mere matter of hours.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that Soulja Boy read too far into Ice T’s Wikipedia entry beyond the part where it says he was born in 1958 in New Jersey, i.e. like the first sentence. He tries to suggest that Ice T is a T.I.-style faker (aww dang!) for repping California when he’s really from New Jersey. Which is just silly, since Ice T has never denied that he was born in New Jersey. The fact that he had to move to California after his parents died, where he eventually fell into a life of crime, is central to the narrative in the guy’s music. And Soulja Boy seems especially taken with the fact that Ice is now 50 (yikes!), launching into a bunch of old people which I know some people said they found amusing, but I didn’t think they were very funny. The one line I did think was kinda was when he said Ice has a “sherm perm.” As you may have noticed by this point, I’m a sucker for angel dust humor.

I posted the clip on my site yesterday, and a few people in the comments section seemed to take issue with the fact that the 50 year-old Ice T was telling the 17 year-old Soulja Boy to eat a dick - which was one of the points Soulja Boy himself was trying to make in the clip. Some even went so far as to suggest that this constituted R. Kelly-style molestation. As if Ice T was actually threatening to hunt Soulja Boy down and mouth rape him. (Which, again, someone should.) You know how mofos like to get all haughty and outraged over the Internets. I think it’s obvious Ice T meant what he said in a figurative sense. It’s like when a guy calls another guy a fag. It’s not that he saying the guy’s gay; he just thinks he’s less of a man.

Beyond just the man-on-boy sexual aspect of it (no Birdman), Soulja Boy’s argument seems to be that Ice T is an old-ass man, and hence he should have better things to do than to sweat what Soulja Boy is doing. This struck me as bullshit for a couple of reasons. First of all, I’m at a loss for what it is that old people do besides complain about young people. And I’m wondering if this isn’t as it should be. Ice T is speaking as a pioneer in hip-hop culture, concerned that Soulja Boy is turning it into teh gheyness. You would be upset, too, if you helped build something from the ground up, just to have some kid come along and make it look all gay.

And Soulja Boy’s argument isn’t even so much that Ice T is too old to judge his music from an aesthetic point of view as it is that Ice T has a lot of money, and hence that should preclude him from giving a shit about the state of the art. As if that’s all that matters. You can tell that’s what Soulja Boy thinks, since he goes on to talk about how he used to be poor as fuck, living in the ghetto (people in the ghetto have the Internets, and webcams and shit?), and now he’s helping to support his mother, and his younger siblings, who are still in school (probably struggling to pass that damn ninth grade). At one point, he actually says something to the effect of, “You’ve already got a shiteload of money. Why don’t you just quit?”

It’s no wonder hip-hop is as fucked up as it is, if this is the thought process of kids these days.
Nov 3, 2007
Super Sav'd Out:

You're right in the majority of stuff you sayin but put yourself in soulja boy's position. If someone got at you like ice t. what would you do? Ice T sayin soulja boy ruined hip hop but what do it say about every other rap artist who aint sellin nearly as many as soulja boy who suppose to be "real hip hop". Shit, how could soulja boy be garbabe when people around the world listening to his music black, white, asian, mexican.. shit everybody. If you wanna talk about really killin "hip hop" shit to my opinion Ice T did. With all the gangbangin shit. Hip hop aint never have no violence in it and didnt have any negative aspects to it until Ice T, NWA and all the West coast from gangbangin. Don't get me wrong that's my favorite type of music but hip hop was a positive culture before (drugs, money, degradin women, gangbangin) and now its only thing they rap about. And the funny thing is when a nigga like Kanye West or Common or Talib or a rapper that aint promotin violence they labeled as gay. That's why people who don't know the rap culture is scared they close they ears to it because they only know what the media shows them. To me, Ice T don't got alot of room to hate cuz he aint done shit for any rapper let alone niggas from his own hood or coast! Who Ice T put out so far? His wife? Come on. Dude has been on Law and Order..?? Did anyone hate on Ice T for gettin his money on his tv appearances from the supposed cop killa? Don't get me wrong though I don't like Soulja boy either but fuck hatin on someone else for doin what they gotta do to survive.. you know
May 30, 2006
Yeah u right Ice could of kept that negative shit to himself but gangsta rap didn't kill hip hop. It actually kept it alive. Around 1990 a lot of hip hop acts were gone or doing R&B. Salt & Pepa & Heavy D were more catering to an R&B crowd. Damn near every rapper or group had an R&B hook in their song. Kid N Play were doing movies. Things were changing. The music was fading. Only hard core rap was really standing out & not selling out. And I've yet to hear NWA or Ice T bang on wax so ur tripping with that shit. Ice always had a message for cats to stop gangbanging. Ur way off.

Soulja Boy made a few good points but he sounds like he reads on a 4th grade level.

I don't expect him to know all his hip hop history but he don't seem to know shit about hip hop. I'm always glad to see a nigga make some money & feed his fam w/o hurting anyone but I don't wanna see a nigga cooning just to eat. Have some dignity & self respect.

And for the record Kanye is gay. He aint fooling nobody.

And Ice might not have put a bunch of cats on but who's complaining? Obviously he aint left nobody out in the cold cuz I don't hear a bunch of cats talking about him. And he put Body Count out. There not rap but they were already his homies. It aint Ice T's job to employ anyone. He should of kept cool but he's just expressing how he feels. Soulja Boy responded like a kid. I know he's 17 but he responded like 12 year old with his homies in the back. After every sentence he giggling like a bitch. He couldn't even form complete sentences. This nigga @ home using his web cam to respond with a couple of his flunkys chuckling in the backround. I'm not knocking him for responding. He did the right thing by defending himself but he came off hella retarded throughout most the video. He dissing Ice T's name but his name is Soulja Boy.
Sep 12, 2004
Applogize for what? Body Count is a heavy metal band. That shit wasn't geared towards his traditional gangsta rap fans. Those were some cats he went to skool with that were having a hard time getting a deal. Ice-T has always been a fan of Heavy Metal & u can hear that influence in some of his music like the Iceberg album, the OG album & other shit.

I didn't like Body Counts music neither but I understood that it wasn't geared towards someone lie myself. Just like Are We There Yet was geared towards the kids not the people who bought Cubes last album.
everyone knows BODY COUNT sucks.
thats why them losers couldnt get a deal.

Ice T was Limp Bizkit before Fred Durst put on a red yankees hat. period.
the coolest shit about body count was the cover art


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
I don't HATE Soulja Boy... is he wack? yes

But he's for the kids man, the 15 year olds like him and do his dances and shit, let em have fun

I just don't listen to it

And no matter how you look at it, you gotta respect his hustle... dude is just another 17 year old kid from the ghetto and made himself more money than most of us, maybe any of us, will ever have

I mean if he can get himself out of poverty and into a nice ass house livin large, why not do it?

because REAL hip hop fans won't respect him?

I mean honestly, Soulja Boy is laughin at all the people with less money than him who talk about he's killing hip hop

again, I don't like Soulja Boy, but is he killing hip hop? No

there's gonna be real MC's no matter what, there's gonna be gangsta rappers, there's gonna be backpack rappers, there's gonna be garbage rappers like Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy may get more play on MTV and radio, but that's because the young kids who mostly watch MTV and listen to the radio and request his songs listen to that shit

I think it's just a sign of the times changing... we're all getting old... deal with it

Ice T is especially old, and he really looks like a fuckin jerk in this situation
Apr 12, 2005
Super Sav'd Out:

If you wanna talk about really killin "hip hop" shit to my opinion Ice T did. With all the gangbangin shit. Hip hop aint never have no violence in it and didnt have any negative aspects to it until Ice T, NWA and all the West coast from gangbangin.
Wrong.....There was songs about drugs, violence, and negative aspects before ICE T, N.W.A.. The West Coast however was more blatant with profainity and shit..but its been around..I mean the first M.C. ever was COKE LA ROCK around 1979-1980....
Jan 28, 2005
all I have to say is this:

Hip Hop heads dont control hip hop at all. We're too rare as music lovers to have that big of an effect on the game.

Ignorant 14 year old girls control hip hop, cuz that's who be buying people's albums.

if this nation were 10% more intelligent, rap as a genre wouldn't let people like soulja boy survive. But since the consumer is a fucking idiot, they're going to consume a stupid ass product.

but what I'm saying is we need to start like a beat nazi club where we kidnap producers and say which rapper can have the hot beats, and leave the garbage to cats who like to get silly.
Apr 12, 2005
I have mixed feelings i understand SoulJah Boy, but how Ice T went about it was wrong...but Ice was probably making a quick buck for the mixtape drop...and just saying whatever....I do feel ICE T has some sort of right to an opinion just like anyone, especially since he is a pioneer....I agree with the previously stated that he helped build something and it appears to be spiraling down wards.
Super Sav'd Out:

You're right in the majority of stuff you sayin but put yourself in soulja boy's position. If someone got at you like ice t. what would you do? Ice T sayin soulja boy ruined hip hop but what do it say about every other rap artist who aint sellin nearly as many as soulja boy who suppose to be "real hip hop". Shit, how could soulja boy be garbabe when people around the world listening to his music black, white, asian, mexican.. shit everybody. If you wanna talk about really killin "hip hop" shit to my opinion Ice T did. With all the gangbangin shit. Hip hop aint never have no violence in it and didnt have any negative aspects to it until Ice T, NWA and all the West coast from gangbangin. Don't get me wrong that's my favorite type of music but hip hop was a positive culture before (drugs, money, degradin women, gangbangin) and now its only thing they rap about. And the funny thing is when a nigga like Kanye West or Common or Talib or a rapper that aint promotin violence they labeled as gay. That's why people who don't know the rap culture is scared they close they ears to it because they only know what the media shows them. To me, Ice T don't got alot of room to hate cuz he aint done shit for any rapper let alone niggas from his own hood or coast! Who Ice T put out so far? His wife? Come on. Dude has been on Law and Order..?? Did anyone hate on Ice T for gettin his money on his tv appearances from the supposed cop killa? Don't get me wrong though I don't like Soulja boy either but fuck hatin on someone else for doin what they gotta do to survive.. you know
hip hop is the voice of the streets and murder and all the stuff u said killed hip hop is what (a majority) of the artist come from. i know a few rappers and i can first hand say yeah he really was like this or he is puttin up a front. but what im sayin is violence comes with the terroritory of rap cuz thats what alot of rappers come up aroun. if i was soulja boy i would have said sumthin to ice t, i dont hate soulja boy and i wont say he's killin hip hop he's makin music for a certain audience and it just so happens his audience likes the music he puts out. a very big audience likes his music. the thing i hate is a lot of older generation rappers try and sway away fans from a certain rapper or region and it shouldnt be like that if people like ur music people are gonna like it period. rappers actin like soulja boy is mexican and takin jobs from em. lol. i remember when everybody hated nelly for goin 8x platinum and havin sing a long rap songs. everybody gotta shine sumday. if anybody has a problem why dont they make a hit and take the attention away from soulja boy