I been putting up some more tracks up at www.Slumpers.com (goes to my soundclick). I been coming up in diego like a mutha fucka these days... peep the tracks, no joke
Oh and i got banned for trying to get people to sign up to 12dailypro. It was an autosurf site that did actually make bank. But it shut down. I lost money and made money but overall came out on top a few hundred. My homie made like 60 thousand with that program in a little over a year. He just sits around all day not doing shit now. But anyways i wont try to get people to sign up to any shit like that anymore
Be sure to check out The Grimmie Wreck Show , comes on at 11:30 Thursday-Sunday on channel 95. And on KTLA (Channel 14) at 11:30 on Fridays. The hottest show FILMED outta diego. Check it..