its a military city. if youve been here im sure youve seen all the fucking ships. so theres many out of towners. but that dosent mean THEY ARE FROM SAN DIEGO
if you werent fucking born in san diego or you werent raised here in your childhood to teens.. (you can move by the time youre an adult..youll still be from SD) you are not from this city, you can live here and rep sd all you want, but this isnt your city. this city is the peoples who were born and raised here. it goes the same for any other city.
for instance i could move to vallejo right now and live there and be there for years and everyone know me and its the city i live in and i rep it, but that looks no sort of way to the people who were born and raised in vallejo, whom are the ones who are REALLY from vallejo. i could push whatever funny little line in vallejo i want. but thats not gonna make niggas in vallejo who lived there they entire life look no sorta way. thats they city.
so really if you werent raised here, preferably born AND raised here, this isnt your city, rep it all you want, say your from sd all you want, do whatever type of rap style you want, but this aint your city and your in no way make 'us' look bad...that goes for anything in san diego that 'comes here'....