WestRumble said:
Sounds like youre brain washed by the liberal media.
do we have mcleanhatch II, here?
if the media was so liberal were was the opposition in the media before the war?!?! they were fucken for it.
why did 70% of the US population believed that Saddam was involved in 9/11? ANd that Saddam had ties to Al Queda!? (right when the Bush's admin was leading up to the war)
unbelieviable that the US populaiton was fooled, and that Bush got them to support his dumb ass. Bush's PR team hard at work.
wheres the media explosing NAFTA affect!?, or any free trade policy!? Zapatista uprising!? East Timor? Why doesnt the media talk about US involvemtn with Saddam int the 80s!? US involvement in latin american!? US foriegn policy!? US millitary budget?! and countless others that only alternative medias talk about.
there is no liberal media.